Sunday, July 6, 2003

Kennedy Compound and Steven Tyler

Kennedy Compound and Steven Tyler
My husband fixed the elevator in this house on Friday. This house (and the others on the property) belong to none other than the Kennedy family. Apparently, Ethel Kennnedy(wife of former US senator Robert Kennedy) was recuporating from surgery and could not negotiate the stairs. The elevator doors would not open so, Ted Kennedy's executive assistant called Associated Elevator. The person who was on call for The Fourth was already on a call in RI, so Ryun took the call. The elevator went form the basement, to a sunroom, and right into Ethel Kennedy's bedroom! She was up there resting while he was fixing it so they asked if he could try to avoid going all of the way up. Ted Kennedy was out on his boat with his dogs. Ryun said that the home theatre that was built in the basement of the house is still there, seats and everything. How cool would that be? Go to the movies right own house.
I was impressed and thought about how cool that would have go to the Kennedy house that is. He was not as enthusiastic but he usually isn't.
One time, he sat in a movie theatre with Steven Tyler(think Aeorsmith) and didn't even ask for an autograph. Good idea to let him have his privacy I suppose but still. Sitting right next to him.
Anyway, Ryun got back in time to see the fireworks. Plymouth did a spectacular job this year and the girls just loved it.
I had a cookout at my house on Saturday. It was a good time. The girls spent the entire day outside on the swings, in their pool, and just running around in general.
So, a good, if not great weekend here at the Ellis house.

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