Saturday, July 12, 2003

MV Island

I just spent the past two days on the beautiful island of Martha's Vineyard. Ryun was working there for the week, so the kids and I went over Thursday and spent the night with him in his hotel room. We had a great time. He was working in Vineyard Haven, but the hotel was in Oak Bluffs, about three miles away. My aunt, who was visiting from California had some friends who were renting a house on Chappaquidik(think Ted Kennedy) so she came over with us. The kids and I spent the day in OB. I took them on the famous Flying House Carousel (the oldest carousel in America) and they thought it was great. We went to the beach, watched the sunset and then had dinner at a place called Giordano's. It was just about the best pizza I have ever, ever, had. Highly reccomended. We went back to the hotel, the kids went to bed and Ryun and I enjoyed a yummy icecream from Mad Martha's. The guys he was working with came home from dinner and we spent the rest of the night on the deck shooting the shit, looking out over Oak Bluffs Harbor. All in all, it was a very nice couple of days.
We are leaving for camping next week, so this week I will be packing and getting ready for the trip. I am looking forward to it, I love camping.

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