Tuesday, February 4, 2003


I have been really bad about updating lately. Oh well...I'm busy, what can I say.
Katherine is going to get her first official pre school "report card" today and on Thursday, I have a parent teacher conference. A parent teacher conference for my baby. I know I know she's four but it just doesn't seem possible.
I can't even imgaine how much older my kids are going to look to me when the new baby arrives. I remember when Katherine was born and Emily came to visit, I though to myself, "Oh God, she's not a baby anymore" referring to Em of course.
Emily is going to play soccer this spring. She is very excited about it...and so am I. I can't wait to go watch her games.
Emily is doing so well with reading. She is in the highest level reading group in school and she just loves it. This makes me very happy. Reading is so important...I read every day.
We are going to New Hampshire skiing on February 14 and coming home on the 18. I am looking forward to it. I of course won't be skiing (being pregnant and well, I don't ski) but it will be nice just the same. The kids can't wait.
I have to go get Katherine from school now so I shall go.

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