Monday, June 24, 2002

Grumpy and his friends

The other day, Emily said to me, "Mama, how come when I am cranky or naughty no one wants to play with me?" I explained to her that it wasn't just her, it was a general rule that people don't like to be in the company of cranky people because it was no fun. She said, "Ok Mama." Then, she looked up at me thoughtfully and said, "But Mama, Grumpy on Snow White is always cranky and his friends like to be with him. He gets to play with her friends all of the time." She is so smart...and I have to say I love the logic.
Word has it that Adelphia is filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy tomorrow. All kinds of illegal and shady business dealings have caused the down fall of the company and apparently, bankruptcy is the only option. At this point, I am not really sure what that means for me but, I guess I will find out tomorrow.
I am starting a recipe collection. Of course I have some recipes already but, I want to add to the collection. I have decided that I am sick of eating the same things all of the time, day in and day out. So, if you have any good recipes you would like to share, please, send them my way. I am collecting all kinds...main dishes, desserts, appetizers etc.
I think I am going to take a photography class. I have recently developed an interest in pictures, particularly scenic types. I think that a class would be fun. Who knows? Maybe I'll be the next Ansel Adams(famous photographer for those who were wondering).

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