I forgot to tell you all that Emily's graduation went of with out incident. In other words, Mama (shock of all shocks) didn't cry. I got just the slightest bit teary-eyed when we walked out of the building when it suddenly struck me that we would never be going back, at least not for Emily (Katie will go in September, 2003). I was briefly overwhelmed with a flood of emotions that seemed to escape me as quickly as they came. The "Oh my God, my baby is all grown up" feeling was replaced with the "Oh my God, my baby just graduated preschool and I am so proud of her." So, it was good. I was happy, Emily was happy, and Katie was even happy as long as I gave her lollipops. Trying to get a two year old to sit still for periods longer than say 10 minutes is near impossible. The lollipops worked quite well in preventing a temper tantrum in the middle of the ceremony. I don't generally feed my children to keep them quiet, just in case you were curious.
Emily's birthday party went well. We had it at Big East Gymastics and the kids had a blast. They basically passed out when we got home and even slept late on Sunday morning. Late of those for anyone who cares to know is 8:00am.
I had to work until 5:00am yesterday so I slept until 1:00pm this afternoon. As per usual, Adelphia management screwed up the schedule and me, being the sucker that I am stayed until the next shift came in. So Sunday was a complete waste of a day for me...I got up at 1:00 and had to be back at work at 4:30pm. Next time, I am just going to call a manager at 3:00am. I am sick of being taken advantage of and it is not my job to cover for them when they fuck up. So there. And yes, people I just swore. Don't be alarmed...I do that every once in a while.
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