Emily cut her own hair. Her reasons for doing this? "My bangs were in my eyes and I wanted to give Terri (the hairdresser) a head start." Her hair on one side was cut to her chin, while the rest fell half way down her back. A head start alright. Anyway, I called Terri and told her we were in need of "emergency services" so Emily has this really adorbale pageboy type haircut that I must say, despite the circumstances, looks just marvelous. She has a beautiful round face and the cut really brings out her features. Truth be told, I had been thinking about getting her hair cut for a while. This kind of left me no choice and sure as hell made the decision to do it a lot easier. Decisions are never easy for me.
Katherine has decided that she doesn't like hotdogs anymore. Last night we cooked on the grill and she took one bite of her hotdog, spit a partially chewed piece out and said, "I NOT LIKE IT!" So, she had a hotdog roll and chips for dinner. Lovely huh?
I am not an advocate of forcing my kids to eat things they don't like. If they don't like it, forcing them to eat it would ensue in a fight which in my opinion would not be worth the effort. I don't force them to finish their meal either. They know that if they don't finish, they don't get desert or anything else to eat for the rest of the night. You pick your battles I guess and since my kids are smart and old enough to know what they like and don't or whether or not they are hungry, this is one battle I choose not to fight.
I can't believe it is almost July. Where the hell does time go? It's almost Independence Day. Time goes by too fast if you ask me, and my memory is too short. I can barely remember what I did yesterday. Sad I know, but true.