Wednesday, June 26, 2002

Emergency Hair Services

Emily cut her own hair. Her reasons for doing this? "My bangs were in my eyes and I wanted to give Terri (the hairdresser) a head start." Her hair on one side was cut to her chin, while the rest fell half way down her back. A head start alright. Anyway, I called Terri and told her we were in need of "emergency services" so Emily has this really adorbale pageboy type haircut that I must say, despite the circumstances, looks just marvelous. She has a beautiful round face and the cut really brings out her features. Truth be told, I had been thinking about getting her hair cut for a while. This kind of left me no choice and sure as hell made the decision to do it a lot easier. Decisions are never easy for me.
Katherine has decided that she doesn't like hotdogs anymore. Last night we cooked on the grill and she took one bite of her hotdog, spit a partially chewed piece out and said, "I NOT LIKE IT!" So, she had a hotdog roll and chips for dinner. Lovely huh?
I am not an advocate of forcing my kids to eat things they don't like. If they don't like it, forcing them to eat it would ensue in a fight which in my opinion would not be worth the effort. I don't force them to finish their meal either. They know that if they don't finish, they don't get desert or anything else to eat for the rest of the night. You pick your battles I guess and since my kids are smart and old enough to know what they like and don't or whether or not they are hungry, this is one battle I choose not to fight.
I can't believe it is almost July. Where the hell does time go? It's almost Independence Day. Time goes by too fast if you ask me, and my memory is too short. I can barely remember what I did yesterday. Sad I know, but true.

Monday, June 24, 2002

Grumpy and his friends

The other day, Emily said to me, "Mama, how come when I am cranky or naughty no one wants to play with me?" I explained to her that it wasn't just her, it was a general rule that people don't like to be in the company of cranky people because it was no fun. She said, "Ok Mama." Then, she looked up at me thoughtfully and said, "But Mama, Grumpy on Snow White is always cranky and his friends like to be with him. He gets to play with her friends all of the time." She is so smart...and I have to say I love the logic.
Word has it that Adelphia is filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy tomorrow. All kinds of illegal and shady business dealings have caused the down fall of the company and apparently, bankruptcy is the only option. At this point, I am not really sure what that means for me but, I guess I will find out tomorrow.
I am starting a recipe collection. Of course I have some recipes already but, I want to add to the collection. I have decided that I am sick of eating the same things all of the time, day in and day out. So, if you have any good recipes you would like to share, please, send them my way. I am collecting all kinds...main dishes, desserts, appetizers etc.
I think I am going to take a photography class. I have recently developed an interest in pictures, particularly scenic types. I think that a class would be fun. Who knows? Maybe I'll be the next Ansel Adams(famous photographer for those who were wondering).

Wednesday, June 19, 2002

A list of current events...

A brief synopsis of recent list form because I am lazy!
1. Emily and Katherine had their 5 and 2&1/2 year physicals and, I am happy to report that they are both happy and healthy!
2. I recently saw two movies, The Sum of All Fears and The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood both of which get two enthusiastic thumbs up!
3. A quick note about each movie though...Some of the scenes in The Sum of all Fears look eeerily similar to those of Septmember 11 and the weeks that followed and, The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood made me cry buckets so, the same could happen to you. You have been warned on both counts.
4. Emily is going through a rebellious stage and has been driving me up the wall and down again. I never ask for much but beleive me you, I have been praying to God that this is just a stage, because if it isnt....its going to be one hell of a ride.
5. I have decided that based on recent events at work, I will only be happy if I quit or overthrow the management and take over.
6. I have booked and paid for our camping trip we will be taking in mid-July. I can't wait to sit by the campfire with a good book, listen to the water flow through the river, and just get the hell away from "real life" for a while.
7. Summer is finally here and I am happy. I can't stand the dark and dreary days of winter.
8. I am desperately craving a huge bowl of vanilla icecream with butterscotch flavored syrup. I have no idea why. I just am. And no, I am not pregnant.
9. Ryun was late getting home from work last night. He had to rescue someone that was trapped in an elevator. My husband the hero.
10. We are taking the kids to the circus this weekend. I am looking forward to it, as are the girls. I love doing things together as a family. I really do.
So there you have it top ten list of recent Ellis events, in no particular order.
Until next time, remember...You only live once but if you work it right, once is enough.

Monday, June 3, 2002

Graduation, party, sleep, and Adelphia

I forgot to tell you all that Emily's graduation went of with out incident. In other words, Mama (shock of all shocks) didn't cry. I got just the slightest bit teary-eyed when we walked out of the building when it suddenly struck me that we would never be going back, at least not for Emily (Katie will go in September, 2003). I was briefly overwhelmed with a flood of emotions that seemed to escape me as quickly as they came. The "Oh my God, my baby is all grown up" feeling was replaced with the "Oh my God, my baby just graduated preschool and I am so proud of her." So, it was good. I was happy, Emily was happy, and Katie was even happy as long as I gave her lollipops. Trying to get a two year old to sit still for periods longer than say 10 minutes is near impossible. The lollipops worked quite well in preventing a temper tantrum in the middle of the ceremony. I don't generally feed my children to keep them quiet, just in case you were curious.
Emily's birthday party went well. We had it at Big East Gymastics and the kids had a blast. They basically passed out when we got home and even slept late on Sunday morning. Late of those for anyone who cares to know is 8:00am.
I had to work until 5:00am yesterday so I slept until 1:00pm this afternoon. As per usual, Adelphia management screwed up the schedule and me, being the sucker that I am stayed until the next shift came in. So Sunday was a complete waste of a day for me...I got up at 1:00 and had to be back at work at 4:30pm. Next time, I am just going to call a manager at 3:00am. I am sick of being taken advantage of and it is not my job to cover for them when they fuck up. So there. And yes, people I just swore. Don't be alarmed...I do that every once in a while.

Saturday, June 1, 2002

Happy Birthday Emily!

June 1, 1997...the day I had the privilege, the honor of meeting my beautiful daughter for the first time.
There are simply no words to describe the first time a mother holds her newborn child in her arms, no words at all. I remember looking down at her in awe and disbelief saying to Ryun, "We made her, she is our daughter." The miracle of childbirth is just that...a miracle.
It is impossible to understand the love of a parent until you become one. It is limitless. There are no boundaries. It truly is unconditional. I remember being pregnant with Katherine and thinking that there was just no way I could love another like I love my Emily. Obviously, I did and do, it just seemed impossible. Having Emily actually taught me to love her in a completely different way. I loved her for being her, I loved Katie for being Katie, and I loved them both for what they would mean to each other.
Emily is put simply, the best kind of child any parent could ever want or hope for. She is caring, considerate, sweet, and smart. She has this way about her, a certain charm that just melts my heart on a daily basis.
I am thankful for everyday I get to share with Emily. She brings joy to every aspect of our lives. She is a wonderful daughter, sister, and friend.
I don't know what I did to deserve to be blessed with the two most precious children in the world, but I sure am glad I am. They enrich me, they complete me, they are my two most beautiful baby girls.
Happy Birthday to my Emily Terese.
"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."