Monday, March 29, 2010

Just Because

I have been reading through my archives a lot lately. I love remembering stories I have told and thoughts I have had. I mentioned recently on Facebook that my blog has on occasion served as a reference. Often, if I am having trouble remembering when something happened, I can go back through the archives and figure it out. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to go back and see what I was thinking or doing roughly a year ago today. Not a lot of blogging happened in March of 2009 but, I did come up with this funny story regarding Emily and her math test.

October of 2010 will mark 9 years of blogging for me...9 years of my life documented here and in other incarnations of My Life In Words. While I have taken some lengthy breaks (I think the longest of which was 4 months) I can't ever imagine not blogging. This truly as been a wonderful outlet, and one I can not imagine my life without.

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