Thursday, December 2, 2004

Tuberous Sclerosis

So, I called to schedule Emily's 3 month followup appointment at Children's and found out that she has an appointment with another doctor to evaluate her for a possible diagnosis of this.
Not only did I not know about this appointment, but I didn't even know that tuberous sclerosis was a possible diagnosis.
So now I am freaking out(probably with no need I realize)because if she does in fact have this, there is a good possibility that Katherine and Julia could have it too. And that is just without a doubt the worst possible thing I could imagine.
Emily was the picture of health until she turned 7...nothing was wrong with her...nothing at all.
One child with a serious medical condition is fact it's too much.
Just because one child has it does not necessarily mean the others will and this is not always genetic. Sometimes there is just a "freak" mutation.
As much as I wish Emily did not have to deal with this...I would be ecstatic if she was the only one who had to.
On another and definitely more positive note, I found out that her neurologist sees patients at Cape Cod Hospital every other Thursday! Needless to say, all future appointments will be scheduled more stressful trips to Boston sounds good to me!

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