Wednesday, December 1, 2004

HIS Fault

Yesterday, while taking care of the cats, I whacked my head and I have an actual cut. The basement ceiling is only about 5 feet high so you have to walk hunched over while down there, or you'll hit your head. I was hunched over...I just forgot about the crossbeam that supports the floor upstairs. Umm yeah.
I figure that blaming Ryun for this seems appropriate given that he is away and is usually the one taking care of the boys.
Also, when going in to give Julia a kiss on the nose...she decided that would be the time in which she would let out this burp that was as loud as a Boeing and quite possibly as smelly as a sewer. I figure that it is ok to blame Ryun for that too...since she most definitely did not learn that from me.
Hmmm...this is kind of fun...blaming everything on Ryun...heh.
And, since I can't think of anything else to blame him for at the moment, I will end this entry here and now.

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