Sunday, December 5, 2004

Christmas Party

The Christmas party was great. Ryun's company does such a nice job with everything...from the the the gifts they give all employees and their significant others.
I actually had a couple of drinks too, which for me is a little unusual. It diddn't seem to affect me in any way(good or bad) so I guess that was nice.
I talked to Emily's doctor on Friday and he said that Emily's MRI resembles something similar to those who have the Tuberous Sclerosis thing. It's not exactly the same but similar. I am looking forward to her appointment with the other doctor that specializes in this type of thing but, unfortunately, it is not until mid 8:00 in the morning on a Friday. That ought to be a fun drive in to Boston. Yeah.

It sure will be nice to get some definitive results though...if that is at all possible.

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