Whatever, it was fun anyway. Emily was off at her friends house so it was just Katherine, Jules, my sister and I. Which, as much as I love Emily, was nice. Malls and Emily...it just doesn't work.
It usually goes a little something like this:
"Mama can I have this?"
"Mama can I get just one of these?"
"Mama, Katherine would love this, and oh by the way, can I get one too?"
You get see what I am saying.
She did have a great time at her friends though so yeah.
This was her first official "playdate" since she was diagnosed with the seizure disorder and even though she hasn't had one in months(well since mid-October) and has only ever had them upon waking, I obviously still had to tell her friend's mother. Turns out she is a medical assistant at Morton Hospital and is currently going to school to be a nurse. That was a pleasant surprise...not because I was nervous about Emily having one but because I am always afraid that people are going to be weird about it.
For some reason being epileptic tends to have some kind of a stigma attached to it which I just don't understand. I mean anyone that knows Emily would think she is (and she is!) a perfectly normal and healthy 7 year old child. It's not like you can look at her and say, "Oh yeah, she's epileptic." But once some people find out it's like, "Whoa."
To be honest, it kind of (well no not kind of, definitely) pisses me off. My daughter(who for the record is wise beyond her years) has a diagnosed medical condtion. This does not mean that she has emotional and learning disabilities as well. Close minded and assuming people just make me mad.
And I have no idea where that all came from.
This was supposed to be "I had a good day, but I feel like hell because of my cold, so I am going to bed, and hopefully will feel better in the morning" entry.