Thursday, December 30, 2004

Where the Heck?

So, I basically got nothing productive done around here today...I spent the day wandering the mall aimlessly with my sister instead. I would have had something to do at the mall, a few things actually, had I not forgotten the bag in which I put the few returns we did have.
Whatever, it was fun anyway. Emily was off at her friends house so it was just Katherine, Jules, my sister and I. Which, as much as I love Emily, was nice. Malls and just doesn't work.
It usually goes a little something like this:
"Mama can I have this?"
"Mama can I get just one of these?"
"Mama, Katherine would love this, and oh by the way, can I get one too?"
You get see what I am saying.
She did have a great time at her friends though so yeah.
This was her first official "playdate" since she was diagnosed with the seizure disorder and even though she hasn't had one in months(well since mid-October) and has only ever had them upon waking, I obviously still had to tell her friend's mother. Turns out she is a medical assistant at Morton Hospital and is currently going to school to be a nurse. That was a pleasant surprise...not because I was nervous about Emily having one but because I am always afraid that people are going to be weird about it.
For some reason being epileptic tends to have some kind of a stigma attached to it which I just don't understand. I mean anyone that knows Emily would think she is (and she is!) a perfectly normal and healthy 7 year old child. It's not like you can look at her and say, "Oh yeah, she's epileptic." But once some people find out it's like, "Whoa."
To be honest, it kind of (well no not kind of, definitely) pisses me off. My daughter(who for the record is wise beyond her years) has a diagnosed medical condtion. This does not mean that she has emotional and learning disabilities as well. Close minded and assuming people just make me mad.
And I have no idea where that all came from.
This was supposed to be "I had a good day, but I feel like hell because of my cold, so I am going to bed, and hopefully will feel better in the morning" entry.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


The baby monitor has always been a useful tool in this house(as I am sure is the case in many houses with small children). I have recently discovered though, that is good for more than just listening for also happens to work as a "cute conversation monitor" as well.
Emily: "Want me to read you a book?"
Katherine: "No."
Emily: "You have to read books doesn't teach you anything."
Katherine: "What about my Leap Pad Letters DVD? That teaches me the alphabet."
Emily: "Well, that is the only one."

Baby Monitor

This conversation captured over the monitor while Ryun was still working in Great Barrington...
Scene: first thing in the morning, Emily and Katherine's bedroom.
Emily: "Daddy came home last night, Katherine."
Katherine: "He did?"
Emily: "Yes.
Katherine: "Did he give you a big, tight hug?"
Emily: "Yes he did.
Katherine; "you are so lucky."

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Number 5

Katherine:(to Mama first thing in the morning) "You look beautiful."
Mama: "Anyone who tells me I look beautiful first thing in the morning is number 1 in my book."
Katherine: "Actually I am number 5."
Her logic?
She is five years old, so she has to be number 5. Makes sense, no?

Monday, December 27, 2004

Life Decisions

Emily: "Mama, I haven't made a definite decision yet, but I think I might want to be an artist when I grow up because, look how good I drew this picture."

Sunday, December 5, 2004

Christmas Party

The Christmas party was great. Ryun's company does such a nice job with everything...from the the the gifts they give all employees and their significant others.
I actually had a couple of drinks too, which for me is a little unusual. It diddn't seem to affect me in any way(good or bad) so I guess that was nice.
I talked to Emily's doctor on Friday and he said that Emily's MRI resembles something similar to those who have the Tuberous Sclerosis thing. It's not exactly the same but similar. I am looking forward to her appointment with the other doctor that specializes in this type of thing but, unfortunately, it is not until mid 8:00 in the morning on a Friday. That ought to be a fun drive in to Boston. Yeah.

It sure will be nice to get some definitive results though...if that is at all possible.

Christmas Party and Emily

The Christmas party was great. Ryun's company does such a nice job with everything...from the the the gifts they give all employees and their significant others.
I actually had a couple of drinks too, which for me is a little unusual. It diddn't seem to affect me in any way(good or bad) so I guess that was nice.
I talked to Emily's doctor on Friday and he said that Emily's MRI resembles something similar to those who have the Tuberous Sclerosis thing. It's not exactly the same but similar. I am looking forward to her appointment with the other doctor that specializes in this type of thing but, unfortunately, it is not until mid 8:00 in the morning on a Friday. That ought to be a fun drive in to Boston. Yeah.

It sure will be nice to get some definitive results though...if that is at all possible.

Thursday, December 2, 2004

Tuberous Sclerosis

So, I called to schedule Emily's 3 month followup appointment at Children's and found out that she has an appointment with another doctor to evaluate her for a possible diagnosis of this.
Not only did I not know about this appointment, but I didn't even know that tuberous sclerosis was a possible diagnosis.
So now I am freaking out(probably with no need I realize)because if she does in fact have this, there is a good possibility that Katherine and Julia could have it too. And that is just without a doubt the worst possible thing I could imagine.
Emily was the picture of health until she turned 7...nothing was wrong with her...nothing at all.
One child with a serious medical condition is fact it's too much.
Just because one child has it does not necessarily mean the others will and this is not always genetic. Sometimes there is just a "freak" mutation.
As much as I wish Emily did not have to deal with this...I would be ecstatic if she was the only one who had to.
On another and definitely more positive note, I found out that her neurologist sees patients at Cape Cod Hospital every other Thursday! Needless to say, all future appointments will be scheduled more stressful trips to Boston sounds good to me!

Wednesday, December 1, 2004

HIS Fault

Yesterday, while taking care of the cats, I whacked my head and I have an actual cut. The basement ceiling is only about 5 feet high so you have to walk hunched over while down there, or you'll hit your head. I was hunched over...I just forgot about the crossbeam that supports the floor upstairs. Umm yeah.
I figure that blaming Ryun for this seems appropriate given that he is away and is usually the one taking care of the boys.
Also, when going in to give Julia a kiss on the nose...she decided that would be the time in which she would let out this burp that was as loud as a Boeing and quite possibly as smelly as a sewer. I figure that it is ok to blame Ryun for that too...since she most definitely did not learn that from me.
Hmmm...this is kind of fun...blaming everything on Ryun...heh.
And, since I can't think of anything else to blame him for at the moment, I will end this entry here and now.