Friday, September 10, 2004

Tower of Terror

My father, being an elevator constructor always says that the reason he won't go on the Tower Of Terror ride in Disney is because "elevators aren't supposed to do that."
He's right.
Unfortunately, sometimes(even twice in one week) they do.
Yesterday, the elevator platform(picture and elevator with no walls or ceiling) shot from the top floor to the bottom with Ryun on top of it.
An incorrect part was shipped and installed. Apparently it looked exactly like the correct part, so when Ryun's helper installed it, he had no idea that it would not handle the weight and pressure of the elevator.
The oil line snapped and the elevator free fell 20 feet.
Ryun sustained a sprained wrist and knee...and is lucky to be alive.
He could have lost his balance and fell off of the platform into the pit below.
He could have whacked his head on the wall of the shaft on the way down.
He could have been underneath the elevator as was the case with the two workers recently injured when the oil line snapped in the nursing home elevator they were working on.
I forget how dangerous Ryun's job can be.
And dammit, I don't like to be reminded.

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