I don't think violence to prevent violence is necessarily the right way to stop the terror, but I think that if anyone had a better idea, we would be doing that instead. Does anyone honestly believe that the President would risk the lives of thousands of American soldiers if there was another way?
Talking an threatening only goes so far...and it didn't work this time so what else do we do? Sit back and assume that if Sadaam says he doesn't have any WMD, he must not? Please. The guys a tyrant, and probably like a lot of political figures a good liar.
And really, who could forget 9/11? Anyone? It's hard to imagine that every American's gut reaction to that horror wouldn't be to capture and kill Osama, by whatever means necessary. Slow painful torture seems more appropriate actually, but that's just my opinion.
And yes, I am all about freedom of speech etc. Everyone has the right to their own opinion. That doesn't mean I have to understand why anyone could possibly disagree with kicking some Iraqi/Afghan ass(the guilty ones anyway). They have taken the innocent lives, of mothers, fathers, daughters, sons.
At least when a man or woman joins the armed forces, they know the risks they are assuming. They are aware that they could die protecting this country. It doesn't make it any less sad when it does happen, but they knew that it could happen. Who would ever think that going to work in the Twin Towers or the Pentagon or wherever could be the last day you ever show up? Not many I am sure. Of course, just waking up every morning holds a small risk in itself. Anything could happen, but if you live your life in fear of death, you may as well be dead already.
Stop the anti-war shit. America needs to protect the freedoms on which this very country was founded. There may be no way known to man to bring back those who have gone, but the very least we can do is our damndest to prevent it from happening again.
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