Wednesday, September 8, 2004

First Day of 2nd Grade

Emily started her first day of second grade today. Not only do I feel old, she seems old, or I guess I should say older. Sometimes, I just can't believe that she is seven.
For any readers without kids, if you think time goes by entirely too fast right now, trust me, you have no idea.
In the blink of an eye...
My gold membership is about to expire here, so I think I am going to close this site. Don't fret, I will be opening a new one before this ones goes bye-bye. It will be a family type site though, that I am hoping will also allow for a blog type diary. I am investigating my options right now and gearing up for some fun with html. Ughh...
I have already designed the site for my new business. It's pretty basic right now though, and I will be fooling around with that before I officially launch it. Virtually the only things left for me to do are register my company name with the town hall, apply for a sales tax id, and create my "sample" album. The most difficult of those three tasks will no doubt be the album. Well, maybe difficualt isn't the right word...perhaps time consuming. Because this is the album I will show customers who request to see some of my work, I want to make sure it is perfect. Perfection takes time! ;)
In the meantime, I will be changing the layout of this site as I always do around this time of year. Stay tuned...

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