Monday, November 17, 2003

Random Ending

Very very soon, I will be uploading perhaps the most important picture I have ever displayed here, as well as adding a link to a new journal that I will be starting. Probably after Thanksgiving sometime. So, check back before then for "regular" entries but be sure to check back afterwards as well.
Can anyone guess what this picture may be of?
The suspense.....
Anyway, the kids bedrooms look fabulous...every blessed toy is in order, beds are remade military style, furniture is washed/dusted and rugs are vacuumed. The main thing was organizing toys though, because everything else I do on a regular basis. Emily was not too excited about the whole thing but eventually she got over it and helped out.
The next plan of attack is reorganizing the playroom. I will probably do this one on my own though. It'as a good size room, but there is kind of a lot of "stuff" in it so it would just be easier for one person.

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