Sunday, November 9, 2003

Happy Days

I have been thinking a lot lately...about life in general. I have come to somewhat of a conclusion. Virtually the only thing that is making me unhappy in my life is my job.
I am falling more and more in my love with my life everyday. Ryun has been phenomenal lately....and I think the change is finally the permanent kind. Just the fact that he wants another baby is proof enough, at least for me.
My kids seriously are the best in the world...the fact that I have been lucky enough in life to be blessed with then still amazes me everyday.
I love my house and the way I have decorated it. I love the location.
I love everything about it.
I like where I am in life. I like being a wife and a mother and I can't imagine who else I would want that with. Ryun, Emily and Katherine were meant for me.
The only thing left is my most hated job. I no longer can find even one small thing that I like about it. I am not appreciated, my talents are being wasted or not used at all, and just the thought of going gives me a headache.
Since I have come to this conclusion, I have decided that the time to find a new one is now. I am seriously looking and seriously hoping that something works out. There's no reason not to and every reason to.

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