Wednesday, November 5, 2003

Meat and Potatoes

In the never ending quest to improve my overall health, I have decided to try to stop drinking soda...not even diet. And this morning, I drank my coffee black with no sugar. Good Lord, that was dis-gust-ing.
I might just have to give up coffee too...which shouldn't be a problem since I only have a cup every few days. I sincerely doubt that I will ever get used to drinking it black. It's a far cry from the extra light extra sweet that I am used to.
Nothing is wrong by the way...regarding my health. Except that my cholesterol is high, at least at last check it was.
Soda takes the rust of cars...imagine what it is doing to my teeth? And the sugar and cream in coffee=fat. Something I defintely don't want or need.
I might even start buying more organic foods at the store.
But I will never, ever give up meat.
And you can quote me on that.

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