Sunday, November 30, 2003

Thanksigiving Weekend Summed Up

Thanksgiving was nice. We had dinner at my parents house and as usual, Mom cooked enough to feed a small army. I think they still might be eating leftovers.
After dinner, we went down and watched old home movies. That's always a good time...sentimental old me loves doing that kind of thing. Plus, making fun of my sister with the perm and huge glasses is just fun!
Friday I went to a day spa in Plymouth and had a back treatment and facial. I fell asleep during the facial...she literally had to wake me up. If I were rich, I would do that everyday. God that was awesome.
My class reunion was Friday night. Surprisingly, I had a great time. I planned it but for some reason, I wasn't really looking forward to it. It was fun though and I am glad I went.
Emily was in the Annual Middleboro Christmas Parade on Saturday afternoon. She has never actually been in a parade so she was very excited. She( and the rest of the girls in her Scout troop) were dressed up like angels. It was fun...but freezing!
Saturday night Ryun and I went to say goodbye to our friend Eric that is leaving for Iraq. The whole gang was there...all of our friends from "the hood". It was a good time...but sad at the same time. I made a small collage with pictures of all of us with him that I have taken over the years. He is a big tough guy...but a very sentimental one too. I swear he got choked up about 5 times last night...especially after I gave him the collage.
It's still hard to believe he is going. I can't even imagine not seeing my family for that long...especially my kids. He is going for at least 18 months. He kept saying last night,"Don't worry about me, just take care of Stacy and the kids."
While he's there, he will be taking supplies to and from different command posts throughout the country. Could he have a more dangerous job? All you hear about is soldiers driving through the desert getting attacked by people. And that is exactly what he will be doing...going from Bagdad to Mozul and everywhere else, driving a Hummer through "enemy" territory.
Say a prayer for him...and everyone else over there too.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Katherine Elizabeth turns four

Happy Birthday Katherine Elizabeth! Yesterday, my baby turned four. Four. Yikes...where does the time go?
Every day with Katherine is a blessing. She is such a joy. She loves to snuggle and is such a sweet little girl.
She started preschool this year and she just loves it. She is very enthusiastic and loves to share what she did with me.
At this Thanksgiving, as in the past four, Katherine is one reason among many to be thankful. I can't imagine my world without her.

Friday, November 21, 2003


Before I begin, let me just say that I love my daughter(s) to pieces. Like every parent though, I am going through one of those "imfamous" stages that kids go through as they grow. At least I hope it's a stage. Please oh please let it be a stage.
She cries about every little thing that does not go her way. EVERY LITTLE THING Once in a while, I could understand. But when I say every little thing, I mean it. Example: Today at breakfast the girls were fighting over the light. My dining room light is on a dimmer and of course, one wanted it all of the down, the other all of the way up. They were going back and forth about it, so finally, I just went in and set it in the middle....a compromise of sorts. I swear to God that the only reason they each wanted it at opposite ends was just because the other one wanted the other way. I really don't think either of them seriously cared which way the light was. They're like that sometimes. Anyway, she starts full-fledged crying...tears, sobbing, whining the whole bit. Over a god-damned light. This is just one example of many many. Whether it's a huge thing, or something as small as a light setting, she break down in tears. As if whatever has gone wrong is the end of the world as she knows it.
I am at my wits end. The situation usually ends with me getting angry with her and sending her to a time out. Apparently though, the time-outs are not an effective form of discipline in this case since the untolerated behavior keeps happening. I have tried talking to her too...explaining that sometimes in life, things don't go as planned or as you had hoped that they would and that you just have to accept it and move on. I told her that even in my life, or in Daddy's we have things that go wrong and that it just didn't happen to her. I told her that once in a while, if something really, really upsets you, it's ok to cry. However, I also said that sometimes, you just have to be sad...without the drama of tears.
Does anyone out there have any suggestions?
She's such a sweet girl. Just about everything else is fine. She is occasionally a bit on the fresh side but that seems normal. This crying thing at her age(6) just doesn't seem right.


Monday, November 17, 2003

Random Ending

Very very soon, I will be uploading perhaps the most important picture I have ever displayed here, as well as adding a link to a new journal that I will be starting. Probably after Thanksgiving sometime. So, check back before then for "regular" entries but be sure to check back afterwards as well.
Can anyone guess what this picture may be of?
The suspense.....
Anyway, the kids bedrooms look fabulous...every blessed toy is in order, beds are remade military style, furniture is washed/dusted and rugs are vacuumed. The main thing was organizing toys though, because everything else I do on a regular basis. Emily was not too excited about the whole thing but eventually she got over it and helped out.
The next plan of attack is reorganizing the playroom. I will probably do this one on my own though. It'as a good size room, but there is kind of a lot of "stuff" in it so it would just be easier for one person.

Sunday, November 9, 2003

Happy Days

I have been thinking a lot lately...about life in general. I have come to somewhat of a conclusion. Virtually the only thing that is making me unhappy in my life is my job.
I am falling more and more in my love with my life everyday. Ryun has been phenomenal lately....and I think the change is finally the permanent kind. Just the fact that he wants another baby is proof enough, at least for me.
My kids seriously are the best in the world...the fact that I have been lucky enough in life to be blessed with then still amazes me everyday.
I love my house and the way I have decorated it. I love the location.
I love everything about it.
I like where I am in life. I like being a wife and a mother and I can't imagine who else I would want that with. Ryun, Emily and Katherine were meant for me.
The only thing left is my most hated job. I no longer can find even one small thing that I like about it. I am not appreciated, my talents are being wasted or not used at all, and just the thought of going gives me a headache.
Since I have come to this conclusion, I have decided that the time to find a new one is now. I am seriously looking and seriously hoping that something works out. There's no reason not to and every reason to.

Saturday, November 8, 2003

Miracle of Miracles

By some miracle of God, Ryun has decided that he wants to try to have another baby. I am so excited and shocked that I think I have been on a natural high since he told me the other day.
He has always been so more kids, two is enough etc. The possibility of having a third almost doesn't seem real. But it is real. An I am so happy.

Wednesday, November 5, 2003

Meat and Potatoes

In the never ending quest to improve my overall health, I have decided to try to stop drinking soda...not even diet. And this morning, I drank my coffee black with no sugar. Good Lord, that was dis-gust-ing.
I might just have to give up coffee too...which shouldn't be a problem since I only have a cup every few days. I sincerely doubt that I will ever get used to drinking it black. It's a far cry from the extra light extra sweet that I am used to.
Nothing is wrong by the way...regarding my health. Except that my cholesterol is high, at least at last check it was.
Soda takes the rust of cars...imagine what it is doing to my teeth? And the sugar and cream in coffee=fat. Something I defintely don't want or need.
I might even start buying more organic foods at the store.
But I will never, ever give up meat.
And you can quote me on that.

Tuesday, November 4, 2003

Richie and Dean

Katherine got her first preschool progress report today. She did very the highest score in all areas. And no, I am not over the fact that she is even old enough to get a report. Seriously where does the time go?
I was going to upload some photos from the Halloween party but, I don't like how I look in them so I am not going to. Heh. I did look just like Velma though.
I really love my new layout. It just looks more...professional I think. I don't know. Maybe I like it just because I did it all by myself. Either way...
Want to hear something sick? I have almost all of my Christmas shopping for the kids done. What's up with me being so organized? I still have everyone else to do but still, being almost done with my kids a month and a half before Christmas is pretty impressive. Don't you agree?
CD MUST PURCHASE: Lonestar's Greatest Hits. It 's awesome. That, and Dean looks really hot on the cover. So does Richie for that matter.