Monday, February 25, 2002

Security Breach

Here I am...writing to you on Massachusetts work no less. Ok, I know that you all missed me terribly and are looking for the Florida review and I promise, it is coming...and soon. Before I do that though I have a story about airport security that is worth one entry in itself.
Ryun brought a carry on bag containing his state elevator testing materials, assorted pens and pencils, a stapler, and a staple remover. Logan to Orlando: no problems. Leaving Orlando, Ryun's bag was "xrayed" and apparently they saw something suspicious in it so they had to manually check it. While it was being examined I said to Ryun, "I wonder what is in your bag that they are questioning?" The woman checking his bag said in a very accusatory tone, "A small leatherman perhaps?" A leatherman is a small hand held tool. Ryun had to take his shoes off and was scanned with a wand. It turned out to be the staple remover. Apparently, the FAA bans it because it is a sharp object. Yeah, let me gouge your eye out with a staple remover. Whatever, better safe than sorry I guess. They confiscated it and we boarded. As we were boarding we noticed a sign that said, "Newly allowed carry on items." Don't you worry my beauty conscious readers, according to the sign, it is now legal to bring an eyelash curler on board. Thank God because damn, I was concerned that mine may have straightened while on board. Phew.
Anyway, my point in telling you this? The "heightened security" at Logan missed the illegal staple remover. Pretty scary...Logan is one of the airports that allowed numerous terrorist through that subsequently high jacked two planes, killing thousands. Obviously, Ryun had no intentions of using the staple remover as a weapon but, if he got on with that, it makes you wonder what else could get by. I don't would think that things would be a bit improved, or you would hope anyway.
Ok, so tomorrow be faithful readers I will share the intimate (well maybe not intimate) details of our trip and you will get the official Florida Review! YIPEE!

Thursday, February 14, 2002

Valentine's Day, 2002

Ok, so I lied. I just couldn't let Valentine's Day go by without telling my family and friends in a very public way how much they mean to me. So, if you are reading this, you are about to get "smothered" in love, which, from my perspective isn't a bad thing at all. If you are reading this and I hardly know you, in a sense I love you are reading my journal and that just tickles me pink. No sarcasm there, I am serious.
So, I was feeling inspired and wrote a poem. I do that from time to time...get inspired that is. It doesn't always result in poem writing or any form of writing at all actually. For example, I recently was inspired by some unknown force to organize all of my pictures...a mammoth undertaking for someone as camera happy as me. Once in a while, I am even inspired to do something really for a whole week not drink coke. I am a coke addict...the BEVERAGE people...just in case there was any confusion. Giving it up even for a day is a HUGE feat for me, more of an undertaking than even the pictures. But anyway, the poem. I wrote it pretty quickly...sometimes it takes a long time for the words to come, but like I said, I was feeling inspired. So here you go...a 100% authentic Sharon original.
To my family and friends, on Valentine's Day, your love and support mean more than I can say.
Your friendship grows with each passing year, the memories we've made I will always hold dear.
For all of you I wish only the best, love happiness and great success.
Know that I am here, no matter what comes your way, I love you all and Happy Valentine's Day.
I should write for Hallmark don't you think?!?!
In all seriousness, there is nothing more important to me than my family and friends. Each and every one of you have been and continue to be an important and cherished part of my life. So, on Valentines Day, 2002 I thought I should let you know. As times change, and we each go through our own individual lives, it brings me great comfort to know that, no matter what I have family and friends that I can always fall back on. I love you and feel honored to have you in my life.
To end this on a somewhat "silly" note I am going to leave you with the theme song from "The Golden Girls", one of my favorite classic tv shows.
Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
Your heart is true your a pal and a confidant.
And if you through a party
Invited everyone you ever knew
You would see the biggest gift would be from me
And the card attached would say thank you for being a friend. God,, I just love that song!

Sunday, February 10, 2002

For the love of God and all that is holy, read this entry!

For those of you in Massachusetts who watch the news, you are most likely aware of the current scandal going on within the Archdiosese of Boston. Cardinal Law has now turned over 80 priests within the Archdiosese that have been accused of molesting children. Apparently, Cardinal Law covered these cases up, allowing the priests to continue serving the churches of Masschusetts, after attending some kind of "rehab" type program.
Is that sick or what? Ok first of all, you would think that a man of God such as Cardinal Law would not allow such a thing. It is beyond me. How could he cover up such a horrible act, 80 times no less?
Secondly, as if that was not bad enough, it sickens me to think that a priest could commit such a horrible, demeaning crime. I know that they are not "superhuman" and of course, like everyone else they sin. But, Christ (if you will pardon the expression) saying "oh shit" or even stealing something is forgivable. Molesting an innocent child or anyone for that matter is not, not forgivable by a long shot. How could Cardinal Law let that go?
Ryun and I were talking about the whole vow of celibacy thing and he said that priests should just be allowed to have sex. Whether or not they decided to change the rules in that regard would not really matter to me, but I do not think that it would solve the problem to be honest. Most, if not all of the children that were molested by these 80 or so priests were boys. So unless these priests just happen to be gay and attracted to these boys, as far as I am concerned the reason behind these molestations is not due to lack of sex. The damn hand works just as well. These priests are sick individuals...just as sick as the asshole of the street who rapes/molests a child. That aside, when they chose to enter the priesthood, they decided to devote their lives to God and live without sex. If they could not live up to that agreement, they should lose the collar. I am not trying to make it sound easy. A life without sex or even just a life partner would be a hard vow to make...but those priests did and for them to use young children as an outlet is just incomprehensible.
This scandal has done nothing in the way of maintaining my faith in God or the church. Don't get me wrong, I believe in God and on occasion attend church. I just have a lot of resentment and a lot of questions. As a god-fearing Christian my whole life (well, maybe not god-fearing but a Christian just the same) it just sickens me to have lost such a powerful trust in the priests, the church, in God himself. When things of this magnitude happen, I find myself asking why God would allow such a thing. I try to convince myself that really, it is the temptation known as the devil that allows it. However, whether it be God, the devil or some other power it is still a difficult thing to swallow.
I was raised a Roman Catholic. As a child, I attended church regularly and, I continued to do so throughout college for the most part. During college, I really began to have a lot of questions. I actually felt guilty for having sex before I was married. I felt bad about drinking under age. When I came home from school and about 8 months later got pregnant, I told my mother that I did not want to go to church anymore once I started to show. I was afraid of being judged by fellow churchgoers, never mind God. I have pretty much gotten past all of that and really try to make decisions based on what I feel and not by how others do or how God will react. I don't attend church regularly anymore but, as most practicing or formerly practicing Catholics know, there is a sense of guilt that comes along with not attending. The catholic church has a wonderful way of instilling guilt. Its a great feeling, really. Yeah right.
Although I have my own reservations about the catholic churches rules and policies, I still feel betrayed in some way by the scandal and the lack of trust and dignity I feel towards the church and all of its counterparts as a result. It is just so shocking and well, rather disappointing to put it mildly.
I don't honestly know if I will ever attend again regularly. I would like to say that I would, but that decision has only been made more difficult in light of recent events. It is really hard to have faith in something/someone that is actually practicing just what they preach against (lying, dishonesty etc.).

Monday, February 4, 2002

Freaking Adelphia

Yay Patriots! As a life long (all 26 years!) New Englander and lover of the sport of football I am so happy that the Pats won! I watched the game at work and it was fun...a total blow of night...ate food, watched the game and basically screwed around all night. It was a good time...and I got paid for it!
Ok, now down to business. Ryun disconnected my piece of shit computer and connected my father's old one. This was supposed to make me happy but guess what? It didn't. For some reason, my computer can not find an IP address. I called Adelphia Powerlink Tech Support and they have insisted that it is my computer and that they can not help me. What a fucking surprise ...Powerlink not taking any responsibility and not offering to help. Sorry, I know I work for the company but what the hell? Can't they ever do anything right? I know it is not the computer has something to do with the settings which if they would tell me what they were, I would change them. I will be calling tomorrow to rip them a new one demand that they tell me the proper settings. Anyway, my point in sharing this (aside from just to vent) was that until this is fixed I will not have internet access. Sadly, this means no email and no updates for a day or two.
The reason I did not get this resolved today was because I was interrupted by a loud crash and a wailing two year old. The little devil climbed right out of her crib and had a face to face meeting with the hardwood floor. Ouch. She got a slightly bloody nose and a big bump on her chin. So, guess what Mommy did (after I consoled her of course)? Went out a bought her a new bed. A bed...and yes, I did get a bit teary eyed. She's growing up too fast. Can't we just stop time for a little while? I love watching her and her sister grow, learn and explore but its just that they are doing it too fast.
I called Ryun to see how she did with the bed. He said she only got out once. When she did fall asleep she had thrown the blanket and pillow off and just slept on the sheet with her "night-night" (the blanket she brings to bed every night). She must look so small...
Emily stayed up with Daddy to watch the game tonight. How cute. She said she wanted Dad to teach her all about football. He did and she will remember every thing he said. She's good like that.
Ok, so sorry that this last entry for a day or two is not exactly the deepest most exciting thing you will ever read but you got to hear about my kids...and that is more excitement than most people can handle!