Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Changes On the Horizon

Yesterday, I had a follow up appointment with my primary care physician.  Not surprisingly, my blood pressure over the past five months had been through the roof. reading was so high I wondered how I was still alive.  Anyway, with the help of one medication, a much more peaceful frame of mind, and my life becoming much less worrisome, my blood pressure appears to be back to normal. 

Due to current circumstances I have an immense amount of time on my hands now.  For the past month, the alone time has been fine...and I have been keeping myself busy doing things I enjoy...reading, scrapping, crafting, and photography.  I have every intention of keeping up with those things but the truth is...I need to get out and "rejoin" civilization.  It's not like I have been a hermit but for someone who is used to being out and busy everyday, this being at home thing is just weird.  Anyway, I have been coming up with ideas to get me out of the house.  After my doctor's appointment yesterday, the most obvious place I should be visiting is the gym.  Honestly, besides complete lack of motivation and no desire to go, I have no excuse anymore...or at least not the excuse of not having time.  Coincidently, when I took Julia to the orthopedic surgeon, he recommended that she swim a few times a week to build her muscle tone and "tighten things up." 

So we are joining the Y in Wareham.  Middleboro would be more convenient but the pool is nicer in Wareham and there are other reasons I can't go the location right down the least not yet.  I am hoping that the candid discussion I had with the doctor yesterday, combined with the need for Julia to go will be just enough motivation to tip the scales in my favor, so to speak.

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