Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fresh Picked

There's something really cool about growing your own food.  Even eating fresh picked sounds so much more apetizing than what you buy off of a store shelf.  This morning the girls and I went apple picking and ended up picking our own corn too, which we will eat with dinner.  For some reason there seems to be more pride in even just that...eating something we picked ourselves.  I can imagine this pride is increased ten fold if you grow it yourself. 

I have the perfect yard for a garden...a really big one even if I wanted it to be.  My only problem?  I have no idea where to begin...and I mean no idea...what veggies to plant when, what I need to do specifically regarding digging up the yard for a garden, where to dig the garden (in direct sunlight or shady areas), the best place to get seeds, how often to water etc. etc. etc.  The goal this fall/winter is to research and read up on this. 

Any gardening friends out there with advice, recommended reading etc?

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