Monday, August 26, 2013

Reading Roundup: Books I Have Read Recently

I am always looking for a good read and take other people's recommendations very much in to account when I make my decisions about what to read next.  Most of my reading lately has been of the self help variety...some I have found on my own and others via recommendations of those who have read the book themselves.  So, in no particular order, we have a list of books I have read recently and a short synopsis of my thoughts on each one.

1.  You Are A Badass:  How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living An Awesome Life by Jen Sincero:  One of the funniest, most straightforward self help books I have ever read, and I have read a lot.  Powerful, motivating, inspiring.

2.  Secrets for Success and Inner Peace by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer:  How have I lived my life so far without Dr. Dyer being a part of it?  To say I am a fan would be an understatement.  My favorite secrets: Give up your personal history and embrace the silence. 

3.  Higher Power: Seeking God in 12 Step Recovery by Douglas D. Himes:  One of the biggest struggles for me in life has always been the concept of  a Higher Power.  To be honest, I am still working on defining my higher power and how it works in my life.  This book helped me in the process of doing just that.  One of my favorite quotes in the book: "It is the essence of God's grace that God cares much more about the person we can become than the person we have been." 

4.  Me Time: Finding the Balance Between Taking Care of Others and Taking Care of Yourself by Jennifer Beall:  Let's be honest...this book was written for me.  Not really...but it should have been.  I took so many notes while reading this book, I should have just copied the whole book word for word.  My favorite quote from this book: "If you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one, particularly yourself."  If you are struggling with finding the time to take care of yourself, I highly recommend reading this book.  It is eyeopening!

5.  Awakening to the Wisdom Of Your Soul by P. Lynn Ahearn:  Loved this book.  So many quotes from this book that I highlighted I can't possibly list them all.  Here are a couple:  "There will be a time when you think everything is finished...and that will be the beginning."  "When God is about to do something great, he starts with a difficulty.  When he is about to do something magnificent, he starts with an impossibility."  This book was about listening to your inner voice and trusting your gut.  Highly recommended.

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