I think my Facebook status from yesterday sums it up nicely: "Yeah so I totally cried when I went through Julia's IEP progress reports/report card. This girl has made such a dramatic leap from where she was just a short time ago. What really did it though was the 8x10 framed photo of Julia with a note from the teacher on the back. Lets not even get to the thank you note her teacher wrote for the end of the year gift we gave her. I was literally a mess this afternoon!"
When I look way back to when Julia was first identified as having delays...when I remember the girl who didn't take her first step until she was 20 months old...the girl that I actually had to teach to eat...the girl who barely spoke a word until she was two...to the girl who has met every single benchmark and goal set for her in PT, OT, Speech and Language, ELA and Math, so much so that she will be going forth next year with no IEP or special ed services at all, I can't help but be overwhelmed with sheer joy and emotion. Along with the joy comes an immense sense of accomplishment (on her part and mine) and such an intense feeling of pride that words can't even begin to explain.
Here she is...on her last day of school for this year.

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