Saturday, June 5, 2010


The next two weeks=insanely busy.

Just to get the schedule posted in as many places as possible, lest I forget where I need to be when, I am posting it here as well as on multiple calendars at home and on my phone.

Monday: Town Meeting @ 7.

Tuesday: appointment @ 5, Anti-Bullying Task Force meeting @ 6:30

Wednesday: Volunteer @ the MECC, dentist for Julia @ 4:15, PTA @ 7

Thursday: 1/2 day of school, babysit nephew for the day, physicals for Kate and Em at 5:30 and 6.

Friday: Crop @ 6

Saturday: NADA

Sunday: family cookout, babysit nephew for the day

Monday: babysit nephew for the day, Flag Day Ceremony at the MECC, volunteer breakfast at the MECC, HBB band concert @6:30, Flag Day Ceremony at the Elks @7.

Tuesday: NADA

Wednesday: Volunteer at Field Day at the MECC, appointment at 5:30, WOW Green night at Carver Holistic

Thursday: NADA

Friday: State Board PTA retreat

Saturday: State Board PTA retreat

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