Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Blizzard Pictures
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Holiday Weekend Review
One of the best moments of the whole weekend was on Christmas morning. Julia came downstairs, saw all of her presents under the tree and exclaimed (with a combination of shock and joy), "Mama, I was a good girl!" She is so funny. She really takes everything about the traditions and stories of Christmas quite seriously. She asked me numerous times about people getting coal in their stocking and was legitimately concerned that the Grinch would try to steal our Christmas.
We spent a good part of day today opening and assembling toys and organizing the house. Opening the toys was like trying to break in to Fort Knox. I don't remember toys being so hard to get in to when I was a kid, but, then again, I wasn't the one opening them. I am probably just forgetting.
I am looking forward to the week off with the kids. Hopefully, it will be a relaxing and enjoyable week.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Things That have Been On My Mind
-I am wondering if it is wrong that I am already looking forward to the summer even though winter hasn't even officially begun yet. It's probably not healthy. Really fast forwarding though the entire month of March would be good enough.
-I am thinking that I should make a New Year's Resolution in which I resolve to go to bed by 10 at least 3 of 7 nights a week.
-I am very impressed with the amount of Christmas shopping I have done already but even more impressed with the amount that is wrapped...and two full weeks before Christmas!
-The Blackberry Torch is awesome.
-I need to go on a "reading retreat." Seriously I have such a backlog of books I want to read going on right now and I never seem to get enough "reading time" in. Before bed every night just isn't enough.
-I have an idea book...a place to keep track of the many ideas I get from day to day. This is great but I need to be better about making all the great ideas come to fruition.
-Also, I need to stop being afraid to ask for help. Some of the ideas I have are BIG...and taking in to consideration the rest of my everyday life, there is no way it would be possible to make them happen without assistance.
-And now? I need to go to bed...at 10:30...not so bad.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Ring Ring Ring
Whoever invented caller id is my hero. When the phone rings and I can see who it is calling, I can make a decision about whether I want to talk. I have to be in the mood to talk and in the right frame of mind. I can almost guarantee that if someone is calling from a number I don't recognize or worse, from a blocked line, I won't answer. I am just not comfortable being put on the spot.
Another phone related issue...when someone calls and does not leave a message. Even more annoying than that...when someone calls repeatedly and doesn't leave a message. Obviously if you are calling me you have something to say. I have a voice mail so you can say it, so would you, pretty please?
So, to the person who has called multiple times today (at least I am guessing it is the same person but regardless) not only from a blocked line but also not leaving a message: Unblock your number and I may answer and for the love of God leave a message!
P.S. Yes, I know have a little stranger/social anxiety. Knowing is half the battle though right?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
-Today I am thankful in advance for the patience and understanding the universe is hopefully going to bestow upon me so that I will actually survive the teenage years.
-Today I am thankful for my patience and easy going nature. Both have come in quite handy.
-Today I am thankful that my teenage daughter actually likes me for a minute. Those of you with teens know how precious a moment in time like this truly is.
-Today I am thankful for my ability to read. It may seem silly, but reading brings me so much pleasure and knowledge, I can't imagine my life without it.
-Today I am thankful because Ryun has been back to work for two weeks. I know how lucky we are that he is back and only missed seven months.
-Tonight I am thankful for the enthusiastic group of PTA volunteers who came up with some great ideas for the PTA and community.
-Today I am thankful for all who have, all who are and all who will serve this country. Thank you hardly seems like enough.
-Today I am thankful for caffeine.
-Today I am thankful for whatever this random motivation that has found its way to me over the past couple of days. Crossing things of of the to do list feels good.
-Today I am thankful for and so very proud of Julia.
-Music can be such a powerful thing. There have been many times in my life where music has inspired me, soothed me and gotten me through a rough day. For this reason, I am thankful for music and my ability to hear.
-Today I am thankful for the gift of sight. I have seen many beautiful things in my life and for that I am very grateful.
-Today I am thankful for my parents and my sisters. Put simply: my family rocks!
-Today I am thankful for my children. They have taught me more about life, love and patience than I could have ever thought possible.
-Today I am thankful for Katherine. Eleven years ago today (Thanksgiving Day 1999) I was blessed with one of the most amazing and beautiful reasons to be thankful...my daughter Katherine Elizabeth. Happy 11th Birthday Katherine...thank you for bringing so much joy and laughter to my life!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Julia's Parent Teacher Conference...
She has started this year off being ahead of the game, passing all of the beginning of the year assessments with flying colors. Socially she appears to overcome all of the inhibitions she had. She no longer has trouble making decisions during free time. She is making good choices about who she interacts with in the class (steers clear of the "troublemakers"). She uses language appropriately in social situations and is interacting freely and with ease. She is confident, well spoken and completely comfortable in her routine. It was the parent teacher conference for a "typical" kindergarten student.
I left her conference feeling like I could literally burst with pride. It was like a dream or goal that has always been just slightly out of reach for her had finally come to be. It was years of hard work, many interventions, tons of doctors and specialists (her pediatrician, developmental pediatrician, Early Intervention staff, neurologist, speech therapists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists) and more tests than I could even begin to name, showing, in a big way, that it was all worth it. Every appointment, every phone call, every trip to the Early Intervention office, every drive to Boston, every IEP written, every joy, every doubt, every tear (and yes there were some on her part and mine), every milestone she hit along the way was all leading up to this moment in time...a moment in time that even during the most difficult periods, I always knew would come.
I left the conference feeling very reflective. Julia's journey has been remarkable. Nothing (from walking, to talking, to interacting, to yes, even eating) has come easy for her. So today, I found myself reading Julia's story...from the first moment I felt something was a little "different" about her (about nine months old) until this entry here. I read about the first time she walked at twenty months old and what a truly exciting and emotional time that was. I read about how she used to hate the Nuk brush and about how I had to give her salsa before breakfast to "wake her mouth up" so that she would try and eat different textures. I read about her abnormal EEG. I read about the time that I was excited about her jumping on the couch and how funny it was to be excited about that. I read it all. Then I copied and pasted in to a word document, which is 45 pages long, Julia's story. I will share it with her someday when she is old enough to understand and appreciate it. And I will read it again from time to time whenever I need or want to remember what a true inspiration she is.
Friday, November 12, 2010
I have a feeling...
Take this weekend. Tonight the girls and I are heading to my sisters house so we can be there tomorrow morning for my nephews last soccer game of the season. After that, we are having professional pictures of the kids taken. We will drive back tomorrow late afternoon so I can be home in time to attend the First Carver High School Hall Of Fame Awards Ceremony that night. Sunday I have another wake to attend (at the exact same funeral home no less as the one I was at earlier in the week for a family friend, this one is for my great aunt).
Next weekend we have the parade in Plymouth and Ryun's company holiday party (kudos to them for planning it early) on Saturday. I am pretty sure the plan for Sunday will be decorating the house for the Christmas (which we usually do Thanksgiving weekend but we have other thing going on).
On Thanksgiving, we will be heading to my sisters house for dinner and combining that with celebrating Katherine's 11th birthday (which is on Thanksgiving this year just like it was on the day she was born). Friday I am going to join the masses and shop and Saturday we will be at the Middleboro Christmas parade.
This doesn't even consider the myriad of meeting and kids events that will be going on in between. It's all good though. Busy is what actually keeps me sane...seriously.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Little things remind me of this. Today it was running in to the store and seeing a young girl and and her mom laughing together. She couldn't have been more than three or so. It didn't help that she could have been Julia's sister with the beautiful blond hair and brilliant blue eyes. I thought to myself, "That moment was Julia and I not so long ago."
Yesterday, I turned the tv on and the last channel watched must have been Disney. There on the screen was, "The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse", one of Julia's favorite shows as a toddler. I'll be darned if I didn't catch myself saying out loud, "Aww, I miss watching this with Julia." It wasn't the show I missed obviously...it was Julia.
So yes, she is back for year two of full day kindergarten and this is just hitting me now. I don't know why the delay. All I know is that there are some days that I wish time travel was possible because if it was...I would go back.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Family Photo
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
In the never ending quest...
-joined a gym for the first time in my life. The last time I got regular exercise (except for spots here in there for a week or two at a time) was probably high school gym class. That was 17 years ago. It's pathetic and shameful to even admit that but if I am not 100% honest and upfront about this I'll never break through whatever it is that has been holding me back. Besides the obvious physical benefits of exercise, I am almost just as much looking forward to the mental benefits. There is no doubt that a little boost of self confidence and faith in myself, both of which I have always lacked, will be a good thing.
-took out of the cabinet the 31 (yes 31) recipe/cookbooks that I have and haven't used in God knows how long so I can page through them, pick out recipes that I will use and compile them in to one spot (perhaps a binder with dividers). I really need to put more effort and more variety in to what I cook around here. The fact that I cook 95% of what we eat (as opposed to eating out or ordering in) is good but I could certainly be healthier about it than I am.
I have no idea what has taken me so long but, over the past couple of days, I have come to a lot of conclusions. The biggest and most important one? I need to do a hell of a lot better job taking care of myself than I do. Yes I am only 35, but at the same, time...I am 35. This is only going to get harder the older I get. I also can't help but think about how fast time passes. Do I really want to look, and more importantly feel this way for the next 35 years? I can't keep doing this to myself...or to my kids. I have so much more to offer them, but besides that, I want to be a good example. There are some parts of my life in which I do set a good example. In the area of self care, good examples for the kids are lacking...severely. I want them to grow up being confident, independent women. It's partly up to me to show them how to do that.
All of this is certainly motivation. The real motivation though is that I know, deep in my core, that I was given this life to serve a greater purpose. I don't feel like I am living up to what I know is my fullest potential and that is both physically and mentally painful. If I don't push through this and push on, I will never get to experience whatever this greater calling is (and I just know there is one). Knowing is half the battle...now it is time for action.
So as the saying goes: Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I am done looking back. It's only forward motion from here.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
When she started at the public preschool, I drove her to school, even though she was eligible to take the bus. Three just seemed too little to send my baby of on the bus and I liked the communication dropping her off and seeing the teacher every day provided. When we had her IEP meeting for the year she turned four, they recommended that she ride the bus so that when kindergarten came, she would not have as tough of a transition, riding the bus daily to and from school. I agreed, even though I was practically *dying* thinking about sending my baby off on a school bus at age four. That year, we also increased her days in school from two to four, again preparing her for full day kindergarten, five days a week.
Julia has always needed a little extra prep when any change is taking place. You can't just throw her in to a situation and expect that she will handle it fine and will know what is expected of her. So, for the summer before she was to take the bus, we read book that I made detailing her entire routine...from the minute she woke up until the minute she got back off of the bus at home. I made arrangements to take pictures of the bus, pictures of what would be her classroom, and pictures of spots around the house that would be significant in her routine (the kitchen to eat breakfast, bathroom to brush teeth etc). By the time September came, she had the plan committed to memory and for the most part, got on the bus that first day with no problem. She had the, "I might cry" look on her face but held it together and off she went.
When it came time to ride the "big bus" and head to kindergarten, Julia was pretty comfortable with the whole situation. She showed some slight concern about the fact that she would not be in a car seat and buckled in. I did my best to explain that the big bus didn't have seat belts (why don't they anyway?) and she seemed to move on. Every once in a while it would come up last year but I was able to calm her fears pretty quickly and easily.
Fast forward to the past couple of days. She is suddenly "freaking out" about not having a seat belt on the bus and said it makes her "very nervous and worried" which are her exact words. At first I thought it a bit strange that this would come up now after a full year last year on the big bus and a month and a half under her belt this year. I thought that there must be something else and that she was using the lack of seat belts as an excuse to cover whatever else was going on.
After consulting with her sister, who also rides the bus with her, asking her bus driver, and talking to Julia herself, it seems that it really is just the seat belt situation. I did find out that bus evacuation practices has happened or will soon so it is possible that this whole seat belt thing came to light after a discussion at school or on the bus about bus safety. She was literally in tears last night when we were talking about getting on the bus this morning.
Julia and I talked for an hour last night about this. She was very adamant that the bus was not safe, that was was nervous with no seat belt, and that she would not go on the bus ever again. She was as is usually the case very, very set about what was going to go down this morning (she wasn't getting on that bus come hell or high water and she would either miss school or I would be driving her and that's that). Somehow, I eventually managed to convince her that she would be ok. I think she was just too worn out both physically (this went on past her normal bedtime) and mentally to keep going. She did ok this morning though she did ask a few times if I would drive her. I stuck to my original conviction which was that I would not be driving her. I didn't do this to be mean but to teach her that sometimes, life is hard, and you have to push through the fear and uncertainty. Who knew such a lesson could be taught during a discussion about seat belt safety and bus rides to school?
In some ways this shows growth for Julia. It's becoming harder and harder to remember the shy, timid, little girl she used to be.
And clearly, she really has been listening to my constant reminders to buckle up in the car (even if it is a habit for all three kids I still say it every time).
Monday, October 25, 2010
What Part About This Is Funny Again?
Check it out.
And no, this is not a hallucination...I did update twice in an hours time.
More On The Election
And no, I wasn't planning on voting for Baker anyway, but pre-recorded messages from Senator Brown (who I also didn't vote for) certainly wouldn't sway me.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
If someone could please tell me...
And really how does this happen in what literally feels like the blink of an eye?

She was just two weeks old in that picture and I swear to God and all that is holy it was just like yesterday that I took that.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Volunteer Experience
Miscellaneous | |
Religious Education Teacher | September 2004-June 2005 |
Girl Scouts | |
Junior Troop Leader | September 2006-June 2007 |
Brownie Troop Leader | September 2007-June 2008 |
Middleborough Elementary PTA | |
Cultural Enrichment Chairperson | September 2006-June 2007 |
Fundraising Chairperson | September 2007-June 2008 |
Mardi Gras Carnival Co-Chair | September 2007-June 2009 |
Advocacy Committee Chair | September 2009-present |
President | September 2008-present |
Nichols Middle School PTSA | |
Member | September 2008-present |
Massachusetts PTA | |
Advocacy Team | September 2009-present |
State Advocacy Chairperson | April 2010-present |
Federal Legislative Chair | January 2011-present |
Middleborough Public Schools | |
Parent Volunteer | September 2004-present |
Memorial Early Childhood Center School Council | September 2009-present |
Henry B. Burkland School Council | September 2010-present |
Nichols Middle School Council | September 2010-present |
Henry B. Burkland School Spring Dance Chair | September 2010-present |
Title I Parent Advisory Council | October 2010-present |
Anti-Bullying Task Force | May 2010-present |
Health and Wellness Committee | November 2010-present |
Strategic Planning Committee | December 2010-present |
Yes 4 Middleboro Schools PAC | March2007-present |
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I don't know why really, but political calls annoy me. I understand why they are made (mostly for polling purposes I assume) but I wonder how much influence they have on how someone votes. I know for me if you call me asking for my vote I am just going to be aggravated by it. Maybe it is because I am someone who actually researches and educates myself about the candidates and I don't need a phone call to help make my decision. I wonder the same thing about lawn signs. Do these signs actually influence or change the way someone votes? I guess it might make a difference to someone who doesn't do the research and votes solely on the basis of who signs they have seen the most of. Is this any way to vote though? I suppose the candidates don't care, as long as they are elected. It is just a major turn off for me when someone doesn't educate themselves about who will represent them and clearly, someone who votes based solely on signs, is not making a well informed decision.
It isn't all that shocking that every political call I have gotten in this election year has been from a Republican candidate. It makes sense in the current political climate. I am registered as an independent (or is it called undeclared now?) but I honestly don't think I have ever voted for a Republican. I just wanted the option. I truly do vote for the person, not the party. It just so happens that I have always liked more what the Democratic candidate had to say.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Also? I really should keep a good old fashioned paper and pen style journal in addition to this one. There are just some things that aren't meant for public consumption.
One more thing? I should totally write a book. After I get over myself.
And that, is my rant for the night. Going to cue up the "sleepy time" play list on the ipod and attempt to sleep.
Friday, October 15, 2010
So, even though I could have stayed in bed for hours longer, I got up, ate something and attempted to tackle the to do list. This was met with little success (although if I had put, "clear the DVR out and watch hours of tv" I could have crossed that off). The headache lingered (though it was less severe) for most of the afternoon. As the day progressed I felt better and managed to cook a delicious dinner for the family (meatloaf, mashed potatoes and carrots...total comfort food for a blah, yucky day).
I am still not feeling quite right but markedly better in comparison. And yes, I am still annoyed by how much time was wasted while I slept the day away. Sometimes? I really need to chill the heck out when in comes to the to do list.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Nine years of my life have been chronicled for the world to see. This blog (and other incarnations of it) has been with me through many trials and tribulations, births and deaths, joys and sadness. It has helped see things in a different light, made me laugh, and made me cry, either through my writing or responses to it. It has been therapeutic in ways that I couldn't even begin to express. Perhaps most importantly it has helped me remember...remember some of the little things that I otherwise may have forgotten as time passing tends to make us do...remember some of the big things that maybe I might have wanted to forget but can now refer back to and see what lessons can be learned...remember the great joys, great difficulties, the happiness,the sadness and everything in between that the past nine years of my life has brought.
I have no plans to ever give this up...writing that is. Whether it will always take the form of a blog...who knows. What I know for sure that this outlet has been one of the most rewarding and fulfilling parts of my life and one that I plan to explore for many years to come.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Today, for the first time in who knows how long I actually made a conscious effort to pray for something (in this case for Ryun to get a job).
Today, just a few short hours after I prayed for this, it came to be.
It's not the first time something like this has happened to me but each time it does, it stirs up feelings that are unexplainable. It makes me question even further exactly what I believe.
Not too long ago I finished reading the book, "Women, Food and God" written by Geneen Roth. As I always do, I went through the book highlighting parts that spoke to me or that I may want to refer back to. There was one part that described the author's feelings about a higher power. It was perhaps the single most reflective part of the whole book for me, in that it seemed to perfectly describe how I feel about "God" most of the time. Here it is.
"I don't believe in a God with long white hair and x ray vision that favors some people, some countries, some religions and not others. I don't believe in the sky dweller, the knower of all things, the granter of prayers. But I do believe in the world beyond appearances, and that there is so much that we can't see or touch or know just by looking. And I do believe-because I have experienced it again and again-that the world beyond appearances is as real as a chair, a dog, or a teapot. And I believe in love. And beauty. I believe every single person has something they find beautiful and that they truly love. The smell of their child's hair, the silence of the forest, their lover's crooked grin. Their country, their religion, their family. And I believe if you follow this love all the way to it's end, if you start with the thing you find the most beautiful and trace it's perfume back to it's essence, you will perceive an intangible presence, a swath of stillness that allows the thing you love to be visible like the openness of the sky reveals the presence of the moon. I don't believe in the God that most people call God, but I do know that the only defintiion that makes any sense is one that uses this human life and its suffering-the very things we believe we need to hide or fix-as a path to the heart of love itself."
I don't know by who or what my prayers were answered-or if Ryun's getting a job just hours after I asked for it to be was mere coincidence. I'd like to think that it wasn't though. There is something comforting in knowing that the universe was looking out for me and that maybe, just maybe there is some greater being listening to and answering my prayers.
Friday, September 24, 2010
I was reminded yesterday...
Yesterday, Emily was watching a show on Animal Planet (I think) about crocodiles, alligators and reptiles in general. She loves watching those kinds of shows. Very often I will find her watching Discovery, Animal Planet or the History Channel. She's fascinated by it all and similar to Ryun, absorbs the information like a sponge. Ask her how to survive stranded in the woods? She'll know. Stuck on an island in the middle of nowhere? if Emily is with you, have no fear...she'll either find a way to get you home or find a way to make the conditions livable. Chat with her about what has been found on archaeological digs and what it means historically and she'll know that too. Need to write a report on sharks...no need to go to the library...just ask Emily. When I say sponge...I am not kidding. Between her and Ryun, they know the most obscure and random things...things you would never think you need to know...until you do.
Anyway, Emily watching the show about reptiles reminded me of the time I called Ryun on the way home from somewhere and asked him to"stir the crock." Katherine, who was with me in the car said (and yes, she was dead serious), "Mom, are we really having a crocodile for dinner? That is so cool!"
Saturday, September 11, 2010
History...Part Two
What follows is the blog entry I wrote on September 11th, 2002.
One year. The days have passed so quickly. Some days were filled with fear, others with grief, and some just seemed like regular days.
Life has gone on. Not to downplay or undermine the fear or the grief but, we had to go on. We as Americans as difficult as it has been and may continue to be, had to show the world that we will not cower to acts of terrorism. The pride, the commitment, the American dream whatever you may perceive that to be, has never been stronger. The terrorists successfully knocked down two American landmarks and damaged another. The one thing they will never succeed in doing is knocking down or harming in any way American pride. It has always been here and it always will. Nobody will ever take that away, nobody ever could.
When I think of September 11th, I can't help but think of the children whose parents were taken away from them so abruptly. I think of the first group of Americans to declare a war on terrorism...the brave passengers of flight 93 who valiantly and successfully prevented the potential loss of many more lives. I think of the heroes, the men and women who thought nothing of their own lives to save the lives of others. Is there anything more noble or admirable than that? I don't think so.
I have the privilege and honor of living in a country where freedom prevails. I have a wonderful family and friends and the two most precious children in the world. During life's hard times, if I remember all of that, I will be much better off than a lot of people in this world.
In honor and tribute to the victims and heroes of September 11, 2001...with gratitude beyond words for the brave men and women serving our country today... may we never forget their sacrifices, may we never forget how fortunate we are.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
It was back in 2006 when I took this collection out for the first time. I wanted to wait until I thought Emily was old enough to at least have some understanding of what happened. Before that it was too hard to look at, and, even now, years later, it's still not easy. I will take it out again though. Katherine is old enough to see it now, and I am sure both Emily and Katherine will most likely have some discussion about it in school. I took pictures of the collection when I took it out back in 2006. Click on each picture to see a larger version.

Some of the headlines I cut from newspapers and magazines, creating a two page layout in the scrapbook.

Another close up of some of the magazines etc. To the far left is the aforementioned comic book entitled, "Heroes" put out by Marvel Comics.

This is the front page of the Boston Herald, one year later. Although it is hard to see in the picture, the small black print you see there, lists the names of every victim of the terror attacks.