Thursday, November 25, 2010


In keeping with tradition, I posted on Facebook everyday during the month of November (ok, well a lot of days) one reason I was thankful. I kept track of all of these posts and thought I would chronicle them here.

-Today I am thankful in advance for the patience and understanding the universe is hopefully going to bestow upon me so that I will actually survive the teenage years.

-Today I am thankful for my patience and easy going nature. Both have come in quite handy.

-Today I am thankful that my teenage daughter actually likes me for a minute. Those of you with teens know how precious a moment in time like this truly is.

-Today I am thankful for my ability to read. It may seem silly, but reading brings me so much pleasure and knowledge, I can't imagine my life without it.

-Today I am thankful because Ryun has been back to work for two weeks. I know how lucky we are that he is back and only missed seven months.

-Tonight I am thankful for the enthusiastic group of PTA volunteers who came up with some great ideas for the PTA and community.

-Today I am thankful for all who have, all who are and all who will serve this country. Thank you hardly seems like enough.

-Today I am thankful for caffeine.

-Today I am thankful for whatever this random motivation that has found its way to me over the past couple of days. Crossing things of of the to do list feels good.

-Today I am thankful for and so very proud of Julia.

-Music can be such a powerful thing. There have been many times in my life where music has inspired me, soothed me and gotten me through a rough day. For this reason, I am thankful for music and my ability to hear.

-Today I am thankful for the gift of sight. I have seen many beautiful things in my life and for that I am very grateful.

-Today I am thankful for my parents and my sisters. Put simply: my family rocks!

-Today I am thankful for my children. They have taught me more about life, love and patience than I could have ever thought possible.

-Today I am thankful for Katherine. Eleven years ago today (Thanksgiving Day 1999) I was blessed with one of the most amazing and beautiful reasons to be daughter Katherine Elizabeth. Happy 11th Birthday Katherine...thank you for bringing so much joy and laughter to my life!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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