Sunday, December 26, 2010

Holiday Weekend Review

What a great weekend this was. There truly is nothing like the magic of Christmas...I am so glad I have kids to remind me of that.

One of the best moments of the whole weekend was on Christmas morning. Julia came downstairs, saw all of her presents under the tree and exclaimed (with a combination of shock and joy), "Mama, I was a good girl!" She is so funny. She really takes everything about the traditions and stories of Christmas quite seriously. She asked me numerous times about people getting coal in their stocking and was legitimately concerned that the Grinch would try to steal our Christmas.

We spent a good part of day today opening and assembling toys and organizing the house. Opening the toys was like trying to break in to Fort Knox. I don't remember toys being so hard to get in to when I was a kid, but, then again, I wasn't the one opening them. I am probably just forgetting.

I am looking forward to the week off with the kids. Hopefully, it will be a relaxing and enjoyable week.

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