Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The scar isn't going to be pretty...

...but it sure beats skin cancer. The thing removed from my arm? Was a basal cell carcinoma, also known as skin cancer. Yikes. Clearly I have many of the risk factors; pale skin, blue eyes, red(ish) hair. If genetics come in to play, I've got that too (both of my parents have had basal cell's removed). I have to go back in three months to make sure the scar has healed and that there has been no recurrence. I also have to make an appointment with a dermatologist so that I can set up yearly skin checks.

The stitches are out but, I have steri strips across the scar which need to stay on for a week or so (which is when they should fall off on there own). I am not surprised by this as I wasn't entirely sure the stitches themselves were ready to come out. The incision was in a very precarious spot...right where my arm meets my chest area, just to the right of and below my collar bone. The area was moved around and stretched with just about every move my arm made. I tried not to do much, but there were times when I could feel the stitches pulling a bit. My being ambidextrous has come in handy over the past week.

I forgot to mention to the doctor the general stiffness and discomfort (not pain really) I have felt all over the shoulder area since the basal cell was removed. There was actual pain localized to the incision for the first day or two but the stiffness and general discomfort seems to have gotten worse. I suspect it is because I have been trying to keep my shoulder/arm fairly still as much as possible to keep the stitches from pulling. Once I gain full range of motion and can properly use my arm again (reaching behind or up was most difficult and still is because I can feel the actual skin pulling) I am hoping the stiffness will disappear. If not, I will call and see what the doctor thinks.

Anyway, that was my exciting Wednesday morning.

Also? I am buying stock in Coppertone.

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