Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I really have no idea...

...how I fit this all in but somehow I manage.

Tomorrow: Emily has student council. I have school council. Katherine has an after school reading program and Julia will be arriving home...all happening at, of course, the exact same time. Ryun will be at work during all of this so I am thinking a clone of myself might be in order. Or...I could bring Julia to school council with me (since it is our first meeting it will be rather quick). Emily also said she could skip one student council meeting which would make it so she would be home in time for Julia. Hmm...

Oh but it get's better. Here's my Thursday for you:

12:30-2:30 volunteer in Julia's classroom. Go to an appointment at 3. Run home to pick up Emily (and if Ryun gets a late afternoon call and isn't be home, Julia). Go pick up Katherine after day 2 of the after school program. Go eat a quick dinner somewhere. Bring Katherine to dance at 5:30. Bring Emily to Scouts at 6. Pick Katherine up at dance at 6:15. Drop her off at home. Go back out to food shop. Pick Emily up at Scouts at 8.

UPDATE: I totally forgot, Emily doesn't have Scouts this week due to a scheduling change! YAY for a slightly less hectic Thursday!

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