Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What Kind Of Parent Are You?

One of my favorite columns ever is the Washington Post column called, "On Parenting." Today's article is titled, "What Kind Of Parent Are You," and it includes various descriptions/packages a parent usually falls in to.

While I think that my natural tendency would fall in to the "helicopter" parenting, I work hard to avoid hovering. While a certain amount is necessary, especially in the younger years when a parent's support is needed more, constant hovering, in my opinion, does more damage then good. It's an effort for me to let go a little, but I am doing it.

A better description for me would be this: The (occasionally) Helicopter, Soccer/Hockey, Traditionalist, Slacker Mom.

Watchful and involved (sometimes overly so)? Check.

Coordinated schedules/chauffeur? Check.

Stay at home with the kids? Check.

Somewhat organized...forget a permission slip, love my hoodies? Oh hell yeah.

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