Sunday, March 1, 2009


You know, this blog (and other incarnations of it) have been close to my heart for so long, I can't seem to it let it go, even if updates are so far and few between. Thanks to Facebook and Twitter, and the easier quick line or two updates, this blog has been neglected. I recently thought about how it has always been my intent for this blog to be a memoir of sorts, recording my family's history in one spot. The cute one liners I post on Twitter regarding the kids, or the brief updates on FB about my plans for the day are easily lost in the mix. Since I am able to file them here with labels, keeping track of them and going back through them is easier. All of this is basically to say, that while I will continue with Twitter and FB, I am really going to make a concerted effort to post here more frequently, even if it is just a quick one liner about the kids, or a brief update on what's going on in my life.

I miss it over here.

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