What follows was originally written as an email to my parents and sisters. I have copied and pasted it here. It's a bit choppy and all over the place, but I didn't want to re-write the entire thing.
So…I have been doing a TON of reading about traveling to Disney with a special needs child. Of course, most of what I find is related to people with physical handicaps, but I did find one book that basically covers every special need imaginable…from ADHD to Asthma to Autism…and everything else you could imagine. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to share with you guys some of the stuff I have found!
One thing I found out about is called a “Guest Assistance Card.” It is something that is available at all four parks. Basically, it’s a card that might allow specific accommodations for your child…for example a child who has autism might have trouble waiting in long lines with people might be able to go in the handicap access entrance, which typically has shorter lines. It also allows you to use your carriage as a wheel chair, which also allows you access through the handicap line. I don’t know how much, if any of this applies to Julia, but if I decide to go forth with it, I will ask Dr. B to write a note that we can bring with us, and bring it to guest services when we enter the parks. I am still thinking about it because I am honestly not sure if these types of things will be for Julia, but it is something to consider anyway.
I don’t think we have any plans to eat at the following restaurants but this is interesting to know anyway: At the Biergarten in Germany, the table service restaurant in Japan, and the Spirit Of Aloha dinner at the Polynesian you may be seated with strangers.
Another idea which I could use book I am already making for Julia about what we will be doing each day, was to make a picture itinerary and put stickers on things that we have done. I think Julia will like that.
A suggestion from one of the mothers quoted in the book I bought was to bring a small pen light attached to a lanyard. It’s a small enough light that no one else would be bothered by it but just enough so a child would no be afraid in the dark of a scary ride. Along the same idea, have your child wear sunglasses if they are bothered by bright or flashing lights.
Some of the more popular rides in the parks offer something called, “Rider Switch.” If the whole group, minus one or two kids wants to go on a ride, the whole group waits together in line. Then one person stays behind with the kids that don’t go on. When the ride is over, the person waiting behind can go on and doesn’t have to wait in line all over again.
Regarding Julia’s birthday you can call the operator at the hotel and ask for Goofy’s special birthday message. There is also a number we can call to order a cake for her birthday if we want. I think that would be fun maybe for when we come back to the hotel in the afternoon to relax for a while before going back out that night. As you know, we can get her a gift card in place of free admission on her birthday. We can also go to Guest Relations at the park we are visiting and get a special button that says, “Today is my birthday.” Sometimes a cast member or character might do something special if they see that button. Another fun idea was to buy Disney themed birthday cards and sign them in the characters signature (how cool would it be to get a birthday card from Mickey Mouse?!?!). I will just copy and trace pictures of their signatures online if I do this.
This idea will be right up your alley Mom (just kidding!). Bring one of those pop up mesh hampers that folds down to store dirty laundry in for the week. I already bought mine for $1 in the Target dollar section.
One of the suggestions in the book I bought said to have a “sensory bag” available for your autistic child/child with sensory concerns. That way if they are having a “sensory overload” moment in the park, they can direct their sensory input elsewhere…by reaching in to the bag to feel something soft, hard, squishy etc. I have for Julia a small stuffed animal Mickey, a small Incredibles icepack (which I won’t freeze obviously but it will be good for the gooey squishy feeling), a rubbery ball with “fringe” on it, a package of erasers, a small Tinkerbell hard wand, and some small rubbery fish that stretch and pull back. Most of those were in the target dollar spot too…except for the wand which was in the regular toy section…still really cheap.
Someone that she is in dance class with recommended packing a surprise carryon bag for her that will have all kinds of small, entertaining things in it. The idea is not to let her open it until we are on the plane. I am doing this for Emily and Katherine too. For Julia’s bag I have a Cars dry erase board and marker, a Monster’s Inc box (small, like post card size) with notepaper in it, a “princess busy book” that has small magnetic Disney princess figurines in it to put in to the story, a small Incredibles snack container for pretzels or cheerios or other small snack in, Tinkerbell paper and stickers, a princess stationary pack that comes with a pencil, ruler and erasers, a package of crayons and a small Mickey Mouse board book.
For Emily and Katherine I have the following (2 of each) Cars Dry Erase boards, Disney playing cards, an Incredibles snack container (same as Julia’s), princess stationary set (same as Julia’s) a Toy Story box with notepaper in it (just like Julia’s Monsters Inc one) and a Disney Fan book…which is full of quizzes and tests about Disney Channel shows. I also got a book called “Cranium in a Book” which is the same as the game…just downsized, which could be fun in the hotel room for down time or at night or whatever.
Thanks to Michaels’ and Target’s dollar spots, and “Border’s Bargain Blowouts” I have done all of this for very little money over the past couple of months!
I am also going to do a “Disney count down” before we go. I have a few ideas for this. I am going to buy Disney paper plates that we will eat dinner off of that week. I am making little post card size cards for each night with a countdown number on it and Disney stickers/confetti (5 days til Disney etc). I am also going to go to this website (Mouse for Less) and print out free of charge a Disney countdown chain (similar to one you would make around Christmas but pre-printed with pics of the Disney character on it).
Whew. I think that’s it! Can you tell I am having so much fun with this?!?!?