Thursday, May 22, 2008

Why I Hardly Post Anymore (At Least Lately)

Check it:

Sharon's Calendar ( View All )
May 21 2008 6:30P
Title I Make Your Own Sundae/Poetry Night @ MKG Cafeteria
May 22 2008 9:00A
Katherine’s Field Trip To The Zoo
May 24 2008 12:00A
Happy Anniversary Us!
May 24 2008 8:00A
Leave For Vermont @ Stowe
May 26 2008 12:00A
Memorial Day
May 26 2008 4:00P
Come Home From Vermont
May 28 2008 9:00A
Volunteer at the MKG Earth Day Event
May 28 2008 4:30P
Pizza Party...Katherine’s Girl Scout Troop of which I am the Leader
May 29 2008 9:00A
Volunteer at the MKG Earth Ballon Assembly
May 29 2008 6:00P
Emily’s Girl Scout Meeting at the Horse Farm
May 30 2008 5:00P
Emily’s Leaves for Girl Scout Camping Trip
Jun 1 2008 12:00A
Happy 11th Birthday Emily!
Jun 1 2008 10:45A
Emily Comes Home From Camping
Jun 2 2008 5:00P
Emily’s Voice Lesson
Jun 4 2008 9:00A
Volunteer at MECC Earth Day Events
Jun 4 2008 6:00P
Volunteer At PTA Family Night At The Book Fair
Jun 5 2008 12:00A
Happy Birthday Mom!
Jun 5 2008 10:00A
Volunteer At 5th Grade Field Day
Jun 5 2008 1:00P
Half Day Of School
Jun 6 2008 8:00A
MKG Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast
Jun 6 2008 9:30A
5th Grade Field Trip To Nichols
Jun 8 2008 10:00P
Megan’s Graduation Party
Jun 9 2008 5:00P
Emily’s Voice Lesson
Jun 10 2008 7:00P
PT Meeting
Jun 11 2008 9:00A
Volunteer In Julia’s Classroom
Jun 11 2008 6:30P
Emily’s School Chorus Concert
Jun 12 2008 9:00A
Emily’s Trip With School To The IMAX in RI
Jun 12 2008 9:00A
Chaperone Julia’s School Field Trip To The Zoo
Jun 12 2008 4:15P
Ryun’s Doctor’s Appointment
Jun 12 2008 6:00P
Emily’s Girl Scout Meeting and Ceremony
Jun 13 2008 8:30A
MECC Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast
Jun 13 2008 6:00P
Emily’s Burtwood School Of Performing Arts Recital
Jun 13 2008 7:00P
Emily’s Girl Scout Sleepover
Jun 16 2008 9:00A
Julia’s End Of the Year Preschool Show
Jun 19 2008 1:00P
Last Day Of School- 1/2 Day

I'm just a tiny bit busy.

1 comment:

  1. Ok i am wicked busy next few weeks almost as busy as you but you take the cake.
