Wednesday, January 23, 2008


One of the big themes behind many articles I have read regarding the choice to stay at home or work is how thankful Mom's that stay at home should be. That's a no brainer...I have yet to meet a mom that wasn't thankful for that choice. The part that always bothers me is the part that isn't said, which is this: not only should a stay at home mom be thankful, but she also has no right to voice any concerns or complaints she has as a result of being a stay at home mom. She made this choice, didn't she? It's not often that you hear about a mom who chose to work (or had to) get criticized for complaining about her job. Perhaps life circumstances force the decision to work but, why is it ok for a working mom to complain and considered ungrateful or wrong for a stay at home mom to complain? And, lets face it, if we, as stay at home moms are honest and upfront about our stay at home "momhood" we recognize this - stay at home motherhood while it is humbling, inspiring, rewarding, and fun, it can also be exhausting, boring, limiting and banal.

So the questions begs, why, are we expected to act and feel like every single minute of every single day is is perfect and wonderful?


  1. Being a stay at home mom is as hard and maybe even harder then going out and working.

  2. You know, I think it's the basic human grass-is-always-greener thing. And I think the expectation for working moms is that they be anguished all the time over leaving the kids, just like SAHMs are supposed to be thrilled all the time at being able to stay home. *shrug* Dunno. I quit reading parenting blogs a while back now, and it really reduced the number of voices in my head telling me I'm doing it wrong. Which is awesome, because with the being broke and all they've been replaced by a chorus that tells me that I'm an asshole whether I work or not. Oh yay. LOL.

    Also, women? Can. Not. Win. Ever. Sorry, boys, but moreso than men, who deal with enough crap of their own.

    This is why I'm ready to drop out and live in the woods. *sigh*

  3. I am sorry, but part of life is to express feelings, working on staying at home working.

    It's hard staying at home, it's boring, trying, challenging, rewarding, thrilling.

    I am sorry but there are more men than not that say I'd switch in a heartbeat, would ya now. If you would why are most men(not saying ours but on a whole) out drinking, partying, going out with the guys as much as possible.....BECAUSE they cant even deal when they are at home a few hours, how the heck would they handle daily. SORRY GUYS not a knock but there are more guys that would rather work.
