Thursday, January 17, 2008

Putting It All In Writing

Just for kicks, I decided to make a list of my responsibilities. I have occasionally felt a bit overwhelmed by it all, and now, I can see why. I don't know of any other "job" that has so many responsibilities, so,why do I feel less than perfect if I don't accomplish every single one of these (which, of course I never do)? a good Mom.

...raise kids to as perfect as possible.

...Have smart kids.

...have well-mannered kids. the kind of mother my mom wants me to be.

...feel lucky for all of my options. with most if not all of baby duties.

...plan activities, classes and play dates.

...achieve balance.

...have well adjusted, socialized kids.

...look healthy and fit. or at least look happy.

...feel fulfilled.

...have it all.

...spend quality time with the kids.

...spearhead household chores.

...make all doctor and dentist appointments.

...oversee homework, go to parent teacher conferences, and keep up with school activities.

...organize birthday parties. kids clothing and shoes.

...bathe kids.

...put kids to bed.

...arrange and manage child care.

...manage family relationships and gatherings.

...keep the house in order.

...make sure grandparents regularly see the kids.

...decorate for the holidays.

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