Thursday, March 1, 2007

No, I Am Not Nervous About This, Why Do You Ask?

Today is Emily's Special Education/IEP meeting at school.

Last night, I had a dream that the Burkland School caught fire. A group of students, without the permission of the school personnel decided to attempt an after hours science experiment and broke in to the school. Something went wrong and the school caught on fire. No one was hurt, but a full scale investigation was underway, and it turned out Emily was one of the students involved. She had a part in providing the paste (yes school paste) for the experiment and the principal was all over me for not inquiring with Emily about why she needed the paste. I remember thinking in my dream that the guy was insane because who would question a kid about having one tube of paste (apparently that was all that was needed)?

Yeah, I know. I love it though, when dreams are so easily interpreted. When I woke up this morning and remembered the dream, I knew immediately the reason behind it was nerves about the meeting today.

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