Whew. I am very happy to say that the meeting is over and it went well. As a team, we have decided to add to her 504 plan more specific accomodations regarding organization, test taking, and general classroom settings. The accomodations are listed below.
-preferential seating
-parent/teacher communication as needed
-reminders to bring home important papers at the end of each day
-frequent verbal cues prior to giving directions and transitioning
-rules and expectations should be clear, explicit, and consistently reviewed for understanding
-seperate test setting for standardized tests(Emily would be removed from the classroom and would take the test in a smaller group setting)
-graphic organizers(pictures, lists etc) to help her organize her materials and thoughts
-timelines and study guides when needed and as appropriate
Overall, the team could not say enough about Emily...how bright she was, how friendly and animated she was...and of course, how talkative she was! I was very pleased with the results of the meeting and am looking forward to seeing how her added accomodations come in to play.
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