Tuesday, June 1, 2004

Conversations With Children

Conversation 1: The other day I was chopping onions to put in to a mexican dip. Chopping onions always leads to one thing for me...tears, and lots of them. Katherine happened to walk in to the kitchen while I was "crying" and said, "Mama, why are your feelings coming down your face?"
Conversation 2: Last night at the dinner table I was asking Ryun to explain the different hands of poker...which was best, which was worst etc. He said something about a flush and Emily said, "What's a flush?" Katherine proceeded to answer, "You know Emily, like when you flush a toilet."
Conversation 3: (between Mimi and Emily, today is Emily's birthday)
Mimi: "So, how does it feel to be 7?"
Emily: "I don't know yet, ask me at the end of the day."
I love having so much "cuteness" in my life. Seriously.

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