Tuesday, June 22, 2004


I haven't updated here in a while...it's not that I don't have anything to say...I've just been busy.
Those of you who read my pregnancy journal know what I mean by busy. We(I) have been busy cleaning the house, organizing toys, shopping for furniture and getting everything ready for baby Julia's arrival.
Emily is done with school tomorrow. She seems both sad and happy about that. She has had a good year and has made a lot of progress.
Both Emily and Katherine start swimming lessons for two weeks on Monday. It should be nice and I am hoping that Katherine will get over her fear of moving past the stairs in the pool. Every once in a while she will let us carry her into the shallow end but that is about it.
Anyway, that is all for now. I still have some things I need to get done so don't expect much from me in the way of updates. At least not for the next month or so.

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