Tuesday, May 4, 2004

Say What?

2004-05-04 Say What?
SO, I went to the doctor's yesterday regarding my ear. Apparently the amoxycillin did not work, because my ear was still red. She prescribed Bactrum, which is usually something you take with a bladder infection but works for ears too.
The other problem was that both ears are full of fluid. Apparently, the drainage tubes are blocked and the fluid is just building up...which explains the "my ears feel like they need to pop" sensation I have had for over a week. Unfortunately, short of physically tearing my eardrum(which they may have to do anyway if this plumbing problem does not resolve itself)there is nothing they can do. The doctor said that if within 3 to 4 weeks, the problem is not gone(meaning my eardrum will tear on it's own and the fluid will drain...eww) then I will have to go to an ENT(ear nose and throat doctor) to have a myringotomy. This is basically a small incision in the ear drum which will allow the fluid to drain.
Fun times.
Regardless of how this problem resolves, it sure will be good to hear again!

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