Friday, May 7, 2004

A Novel Idea

Here's a novel idea...lets blame the soldiers that abused the prisoners and not the government officials in charge. I mean does anyone seriously think Bush or Rumsfeld actually ordered the abuse? PAHLEEEESE.
I love this country...but sometimes I wonder if we as a country aren't just as bad as some of the terrorists we claim to despise. Aren't we over in Iraq to bring peace and harmony to a land full of abuse and torture by a horrendous ruler? So, it really makes sense to go over there and torment and abuse the POW's. Umm...yeah. Afterall, and not that I condone anything that the former government of Iraq has done or continues to do, but really when you think about it, they are just doing what they have been told to by their rulers. Isn't that the same as us? I doubt that there are many Americans who would go over there and "fight for the cause" if they weren't specifically required to do so.
My point? Any American soldier taking part in the physical and emotional abuse of the Iraqi POW's really isn't an American at all.

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