Thursday, May 20, 2004

First an Alligator the Hawk.

I think a godamn hawk(or two) at my friends the geese.
I don't even know if I have mentioned that a family of Canadian Geese live on the pond that feeds the bogs in front of our house. I didn't know there was a family until the other day when I saw Dad and Mom emerge from the bog, followed by 5 or six little goslings.
They were so darn cute...too far away to get a good picture though without actually stepping on the bog which I wasn't about to do.
Anyway, this was on Monday. I saw them again Tuesday.
On Wednesday afternoon, the girls and I were outside and I saw two birds circling overhead, quite obviosly watching their prey. I couldn't tell what kind of birds they were from the distance I was at and thought nothing of it until this afternoon when the hawk flew directly over my head.
It then dawned on me that I had not seen the geese in two days...where as before I had seen(or heard) them everyday.
I was (am) mad. They were cute...loud of course but cute. And the damn hawks ate them.

Alligator Attack

Apparently, a young boy who was recently attacked by an alligator reacted appropriately when he punched the alligator to get himself free.
According to a spokesperson from the Flordia Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission the best thing to do during an alligator attack is struggle, make noise and create confusion.
I found that information to be really valuable...especially since before hearing this, if I was ever attacked, I had planned on staying completely still, not making a sound, and remaining calm while the alligator proceeded to rip my arm off.
Aren't some things just common sense?

Monday, May 17, 2004

Persistent bee

Everyday, when I go out to the mailbox to check the mail, there is the start of a bees nest in the box, with one bee on it. I knock it out...and the damn thing is back everyday. Persistent little bugger.
I took Katherine back to the doctor on Friday to make sure her ear infection from a few weeks ago was gone. While I was there, I addressed a few other concerns I had about her with the doctor.
I had been having some concerns about her weight. She weighs 48 pounds, which, although this may not be a lot, I knew was a little bit much for her height. I also knew that over the past year and a half or so she had gained over 10 pounds. She looks fine...what I mean is that to look at her she doesn't lookoverweight. The only reason I thought there may be an issue was because I knew what she weighed last, and how much she had gained since her last appointment. Also, even though Emily has a completely different build then Katherine, Emily's clothing from last summer(well at least most of it) was too small for Katherine. In any event, my concerns were not unfounded. He reccomended a few dietary type changes and stressed that she does not need to lose weight, she just needs to get taller faster than she gets heavier. The changes weren't too major and will be pretty easy to stick to I think.
I also had some concerns about night time potty training. She is completely trained during the day and never has accidents. About a month or so ago though, I decided to train her at night as well. I would put her in bed in underwear, wake her to go before I went to bed, and hope that she would wake up dry in the morning. It never happened. We tried for two full weeks with no success. Her doctor assured me that a four year old not being trained at night was completely normal and to just keep trying every couple of months. So, we will try again next month and then again if it does not work.
Oh yeah, and by the way, the ear infection was gone.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Pregnancy Journal?

It is 5:15 am, and I m awake...and out of bed. Being awake is on thing...actually out of bed at this ungodly hour another.
I haven't been sleeping well at all...I just can't seem to get comfortable and when I do, I can't breathe. I told Ryun that if we didn't already know we were having a girl, I would definitely be thinking that this was a boy...based solely on the fact that everything about this pregnancy has been different than the others. Except for the fact that I have only gained about 5 pounds...woo hoo! I gained a bit more with Emily(30 I think) but with Katherine I only gained 12...and since she was 8lbs 10 oz, I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight before leaving the hospital.
Perhaps this is an entry for the pregnancy journal huh?
Oh well.
Anyway, since I am awake, I am going to reorganize my scrapbooking table and perhaps start one of the millions of scrapbooks I have planned.

Friday, May 7, 2004

Mom's Day

Answers to a Mother's Day Questionaire filled out by Emily at school.
1. My mom is special because she helps me with my homework.
2. I like it when my Mom takes me to the bus stop.
3. My Mom can do many things. I think she is best at doing scrapbooks.
4. My Mom has a pretty smile. I like to make her smile by cleaning my room.
5. My Mom is as pretty as Shirley Temple.
6. My Mom is smart. She even knows in the dead language(a direct quote from Kim of her favorite television shows...unfortunately it is not true but I did find it rather funny!).
At the end of the card she wrote: Happy Mother's Day Mommy. I love you. Sincerely, Emily
She signed the card "sincerely". Too funny.
Home made cards from children really are the best. Seriously.
Side Note: While discussing this card with Emily Katherine said to me, "Mama, when it's Happy Sister's Day, I am going to make a card for Emily."

A Novel Idea

Here's a novel idea...lets blame the soldiers that abused the prisoners and not the government officials in charge. I mean does anyone seriously think Bush or Rumsfeld actually ordered the abuse? PAHLEEEESE.
I love this country...but sometimes I wonder if we as a country aren't just as bad as some of the terrorists we claim to despise. Aren't we over in Iraq to bring peace and harmony to a land full of abuse and torture by a horrendous ruler? So, it really makes sense to go over there and torment and abuse the POW's. Umm...yeah. Afterall, and not that I condone anything that the former government of Iraq has done or continues to do, but really when you think about it, they are just doing what they have been told to by their rulers. Isn't that the same as us? I doubt that there are many Americans who would go over there and "fight for the cause" if they weren't specifically required to do so.
My point? Any American soldier taking part in the physical and emotional abuse of the Iraqi POW's really isn't an American at all.

Tuesday, May 4, 2004

Say What?

2004-05-04 Say What?
SO, I went to the doctor's yesterday regarding my ear. Apparently the amoxycillin did not work, because my ear was still red. She prescribed Bactrum, which is usually something you take with a bladder infection but works for ears too.
The other problem was that both ears are full of fluid. Apparently, the drainage tubes are blocked and the fluid is just building up...which explains the "my ears feel like they need to pop" sensation I have had for over a week. Unfortunately, short of physically tearing my eardrum(which they may have to do anyway if this plumbing problem does not resolve itself)there is nothing they can do. The doctor said that if within 3 to 4 weeks, the problem is not gone(meaning my eardrum will tear on it's own and the fluid will drain...eww) then I will have to go to an ENT(ear nose and throat doctor) to have a myringotomy. This is basically a small incision in the ear drum which will allow the fluid to drain.
Fun times.
Regardless of how this problem resolves, it sure will be good to hear again!

Saturday, May 1, 2004

Partial Deafness

I still can't hear outof my right ear. Did I mention that I thought I had an ear infection? I can't remember and I am too lazy to check back. Anyway, I went to the ER on Monday because my ear felt blocked, kind of like it needed to pop but I couldn't get it to. On Friday, I had an earache so bad that I was brought to tears. I have a pretty good tolerance for pain...I didn't shed a single tear in labor so that should tell you how bad the earache was. Anyway, I took tylenol and eventually it faded to just a dull ache. On Saturday when I woke, the pain was just about gone altogether but my ear felt blocked. I couldn't pop it and it did not clear on it's own. I decided to give it a day or two to see if it would "fix" itself but it didn't. Beacuse I do not have a primary care doctor(yeah, I know I am bad) I went to the ER. THe doctor looked at my ear for about one second and said, "Yeah it's a little red" and wrote a prescription for amoxycillin. I have been taking that now for 5 full days and still can not hear.
The pain has not come back so that is good but now I am wondering if there might be some kind of damage to the ear. I mean 5 days on amoxycillin should clear any infection. Usually, even though the prescription says to finish it, it always works within a day or two. I know this only because Katherine always gets ear infections around this time of year. She is better within a day of taking the medicine. The last time (and I believe the only time) I have ever had an ear infection was when I was pregnant with Emily. I was better after just three doses.
Anyway, I am going to call my mother's primary care in Carver on Monday and make an appointment there for a full physical...which will obviously include my ear. My mother said they are very quick...and will probably be able to see me Tuesday.
So that's it.