Friday, March 12, 2004

Just Stuff

I am going to find out the baby's gender tonight. WOOHOO! Go to my pregnancy journal to find out more...and of course to find out if it is a boy or a girl.
I haven't heard anything about my work severance big surprise there. In typical Adelphia style, I probably won't find out until the check for whatever amount of money s actually in my hand. Sunday is my last day.
Emily gets a report card next week, on Friday. Parent/teacher conferences are on the Wednesday previous...isn't that weird? Report cards usually come before the conference don't they? I don't least that was what I thought.
We are getting Olive Garden for dinner tonight...YUM! I love the food there. And now, living in Middleboro, we are within 1/2 hour of the Dartmouth restaurant. We have only been once so far since we moved here...not counting tonight.
Anyway, I have to go get ready to go off for the day to do errands.
Ta Ta.

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