Monday, March 15, 2004

Final Answer

As mentioned in my previous entry, last night was my official last day of work at Adelphia.
It was only the tiniest bit depressing but it wasn't too bad. I think the only sad part was that something that has been part of my life for eight years was over. Kind of like the end of an era, you know?
Katherine had a hypoglycemic attack this morning. Ryun said that she ate well last night( finished her dinner) but she is coming down with a cold and I think her allergy issues are kicking in. She mainly seems affected in the spring...which is right around the corner. Anyway, her attacks are more frequent during this time of year.
It is supposed to snow here tomorrow, and maybe again on Friday. It really hasn't snowed all that much this's just been freezing, colder than it has been in quite sometime I think. I guess that is why the thought of snow this late in the winter isn't really depressing me too much. We had one major snowstorm back in the beginning of December where we got about 2 ft...then just some random storms here and there that never accumulated to more than 6 inches.
A good New England snowstorm is due.

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