Monday, March 29, 2004

Marry For Love

Since I am hoping beyond all hope that spring really is here, this drab winter layout will be changing soon...maybe even after I am done with this update.
Time for some pretty spring colors, no?
Apparently, the Massachusetts Legislature has given final approval to a constitution amendment that would ban gay marriage, but legalize civil unions. Freedom of of the very things this country was founded on is being...revoked. It's pathetic. Consenting adults should have the right to marry whomever they choose...and that right should be recognized worldwide.
So there.
I figured that since I hadn't written anything controversial in a while, I was due.

Monday, March 15, 2004

Final Answer

As mentioned in my previous entry, last night was my official last day of work at Adelphia.
It was only the tiniest bit depressing but it wasn't too bad. I think the only sad part was that something that has been part of my life for eight years was over. Kind of like the end of an era, you know?
Katherine had a hypoglycemic attack this morning. Ryun said that she ate well last night( finished her dinner) but she is coming down with a cold and I think her allergy issues are kicking in. She mainly seems affected in the spring...which is right around the corner. Anyway, her attacks are more frequent during this time of year.
It is supposed to snow here tomorrow, and maybe again on Friday. It really hasn't snowed all that much this's just been freezing, colder than it has been in quite sometime I think. I guess that is why the thought of snow this late in the winter isn't really depressing me too much. We had one major snowstorm back in the beginning of December where we got about 2 ft...then just some random storms here and there that never accumulated to more than 6 inches.
A good New England snowstorm is due.

Friday, March 12, 2004

Just Stuff

I am going to find out the baby's gender tonight. WOOHOO! Go to my pregnancy journal to find out more...and of course to find out if it is a boy or a girl.
I haven't heard anything about my work severance big surprise there. In typical Adelphia style, I probably won't find out until the check for whatever amount of money s actually in my hand. Sunday is my last day.
Emily gets a report card next week, on Friday. Parent/teacher conferences are on the Wednesday previous...isn't that weird? Report cards usually come before the conference don't they? I don't least that was what I thought.
We are getting Olive Garden for dinner tonight...YUM! I love the food there. And now, living in Middleboro, we are within 1/2 hour of the Dartmouth restaurant. We have only been once so far since we moved here...not counting tonight.
Anyway, I have to go get ready to go off for the day to do errands.
Ta Ta.

Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Boiler Clog

Last night, when I walked in the door (after leaving one of my last nights ever of work..YAY!) I smelled gas. It wasn't really strong in the foyer but, as I walked toward the kitchen and down the hall, it got worse. I opened the cellar door, and almost passed out the smell was so strong. I immediately woke Ryun and had him check the pilot to make sure it wasn't out and to check the tank and make sure it was empty or close to empty. Neither was the case, so I immediately called the gas company. They came out at about 12:30 am and said that the boiler was clogged and that he would be back out tomorrow first thing to fix it. He shut the heat off and left, after assuring me that since it was off, it was perfectly safe to be there. I was concerned mostly about inhaling the fumes but also about...well about it exploding or something.
They came at 7:10 this morning and fixed it.
I slept horribly all night though...I couldn't stop thinking about all of those people you read about dying in their sleep or houses exploding etc. I am normally not that paranoid but if you smelled the gas and how strong it was....
You may have worried too.

Corporate HR

On Thursday, I have a meeting with a rep from corporate HR to go over my severence package and my 401k. I think I have about 2600 sitting in my 401k so, I may just take it out rather than roll it over. It would be a good down payment on a new car(which we are considering getting this summer). I am still not sure yet though.
My severance should be 8 weeks...basically a week for every year I have worked there. Technically, it won't be 8 years until April 11 but still...I think it's close enough, don't you?
My sister gave me a laptop. She works for a pharmeceutical company and as soon as the computers they use become outdated, the company gets new ones. So, I have a fairly new laptop as a result. I have no idea why, but I have always wanted a laptop.
So, I am going to go play with it. WHEE!
I have only 5 days of work left...not that I am counting or anything.