Today was a good day. Emily and Katie got along well, I cleaned the house, finally went through the massive amounts of pictures I want to put in a scrap book and, last but not least, I completed five interviews for one-on-one.
I took out the infamous "Craft Box" for the kids today which was fun. I sat down and worked with Emily on gluing foam pieces on a piece of paper while Katie scribbled on paper with crayons. She actually drew on three separate pieces of paper before she started to eat the crayons. This is beating out her own personal record, which I think was about three lines on a paper then chomp chomp chomp. Glad she is getting over that stage because crayons..ummm...yuck.
So, I finally put all of my pictures in chronological order, as well as I can remember anyway. I am now going to put then into scrap books. Maybe not now because, well, it took four years for me to get my pictures straight so I doubt the scrapbooking will go any quicker, you know? It was one of those things that I kept meaning to do and just never did. For those of you who know my obsession with pictures, you can I am sure visualize the amount of work getting them in order was. ARGHHH. Well, at least that part of the massive project is out of the way. My luck I will drop the box and have to start over again.
Anyway, looking through the pictures got me all nostalgic. Thank God Ryun was at work or he would have been harrassing me no doubt. I am one of those Mom's who gets all weepy when looking at pictures of my babies and seeing how grown up they are now, or when going through clothes to see what will fit who. "Ohhhh...I can't believe she was once this small" is a phrase you will hear quite frequently when I am doing these types of things.
Time goes by too fast. Katie is about ready to vacate the crib for a bed. A bed, my baby in a bed. Christ I am going to have a heart attack.
Time for a new baby you say? I think not. I am not that "nostalgic." For a while I thought I wanted another one but I don't know. Things just get easier the older they least until the teenage years strike. Two teenage girls will I think be quite enough for me...yeah definitely.
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