Sunday, December 29, 2013

Now Leaving On Track 7

I love when my dreams reflect or otherwise speak to my waking life.  Last night's dream was me, in a train station, feeling hurried to make sure I made my train.  I was running through the station, wondering if I should stop to use the bathroom first, mentally going through a checklist in my head to make sure I had everything I needed, and questioning whether or not I was going to make it.  All the while, there was a tiny voice in my head that kept telling me to slow down and stop worrying...I would get there.  Seeing/being in a train station indicates that your life is in some sort of transitional about hitting the nail on the head.  The rushing to make sure I got to my train was a perfect representation of something I just talked to my counselor about last week.  I basically told her that even though I can look back over the past eight months and see the changes I have made, that I still feel sort of stuck and like things are not happening fast enough.  She felt I had made major progress and that I just needed to be patient.  If I keep doing what I am doing on my personal path to wellness, it, whatever it is, will come.  Even though that is sometimes hard to see, I think she is right. 

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