Thursday, March 24, 2011

Vote For Allin Frawley On April 2nd

What follows is a letter to the editor of the Middleboro Gazette that unfortunately did not make this weeks edition.  I fully support Allin and ask that you join with me in bringing a positive change to Middleboro by voting for him on April 2nd.

I am writing to voice my support for Board of Selectman candidate Allin Frawley.  Allin will bring to the board the dedication, common sense approach and drive needed to make a difference in Middleboro. 
In many ways, Allin has already shown a commitment to the town of Middleboro.  Through his past and present service on various town committees including the Charter Review/Change Committee, the Conservation Committee, the Open Space Planning Committee, the EMS Committee, the Community Preservation Act Bylaw Committee and the Zoning Recodification Task Force, Allin has demonstrated his desire to take an active role in the town.  Allin also attends Board of Selectmen meetings on a regular basis.  

More than that, Allin has proven to be accessible to the citizens of this town.  Recognizing that there has never been an easier or more effective way to stay in immediate and direct contact with his supporters, Allin has developed a website as well as Facebook and Twitter accounts.  In addition, he has opened a campaign headquarters downtown where voters can stop in, meet Allin, ask questions and share their concerns.  His willingness to listen and respond to voters will make him, if elected, a true representative of the people.

I ask you to join me in voting for Allin on April 2nd.  As a selectman, Allin will represent Middleboro honorably and will make sure that our voices are heard.

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