Monday, February 28, 2011

Back To Life

It was back to "real life" today for the Ellis Family and I think the kids were actually excited to get back in to a schedule.  Other than having company for the latter half of the week, we didn't really do anything all that exciting.  I think the kids wish we had, but for me, a nice relaxing week of nothing was needed and well deserved.  Only Julia was slightly hesitant about heading back to school but this is normal for her.  It has always been a bit of an adjustment for her to get back in to the swing of things after a break.

Reality for me means that I am very busy.  As luck would have it, this week is fairly low key with meetings (only two which must be some sort of record).  I was planning on going to the BOS meeting tonight but I think I am going to watch this one from home.  I have a lot to do before my trip to DC next week and since I will be gone for three days, I want to be home with the family as much as possible before then.  Tomorrow night I have the third of four planned Strategic Planning meetings for the School Department and Wednesday I will be at PTSA at the middle school.  The kids have a few things going on (a basketball practice, playoff basketball game and a doctor's appointment for Katherine and Scouts, PTSA and a cookie sale for Emily).  My lack of meetings will make this week easier, but certainly no less busy when you throw in the kids schedules.

My plans for the remainder of the afternoon are trip related.  I need to figure out and arrange for transportation to and from the airport and the hotel as well as figure out exactly what I will need to bring for money (most expenses are paid for by the National PTA but there are a few things I will need to take care of). I need to make phone calls to confirm meetings with Senators Kerry and Brown as well as Congressman Frank.   I am also going to finish putting together my binder with all of the information I need to have with me so that will be all set.  After that, the OCD part of me will be making a complete listing of everything Ryun  needs to know while I am gone.  I wouldn't consider my self to be controlling or a control freak but when it comes to the kids, their schedules and routines, yes, I am slightly obsessed.  That aside, there are certain things that I just always do...things like go through their school materials when they get home, make sure homework gets done etc.  It has always just been my job and while I have every confidence that Ryun knows what to do and is more than capable of doing it, it will make me feel better to have it in writing.  Even re-reading this I realize how crazy this sounds but, um, it won't stop me from doing it.  I am just going to embrace the is what it is, right?

Anyway, off to it.  There are only a couple of hours left before the kids get home!

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