Monday, January 24, 2011

And This Is Just Today's Agenda.

-condensing PTA Committee Reports and the newsletter
-updating the funds available reports for the Principals
-paying a few PTA bills
-printing the PTA Public Policy Agenda for 2011
-gathering responses to see if we will have a rescheduled School Council meeting Wednesday and emailing Mrs. L to let her know
-updating the new PTA treasurer with the details of what is what
-responding to PTA emails, writing a summary of the Federal Legislative call from last month
-continuing the development of the PTA website
-deciding if I can be available tomorrow nights PTA federal Legislative call
-printing and updating calendars for the bulletin board
-looking in to scheduling the PTA SHARP program at Nichols this summer (instead of HBB due to reconfiguration)
-emailing the PTA about up and coming volunteer opportunities
-typing up the notes for last weeks MKG/HBB School Council meeting
-planning for a meeting with Kate's teacher tomorrow
-rescheduling an appointment for Emily

I have a feeling all of this will go well in to the evening hours.  Had I not made the decision to limit my intake I might have been asking for caffeine on an IV drip. It's a good thing I love every minute of all of this otherwise this list might look a bit more...daunting. 

Break time is officially over.  Back to it I go!

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